Source code for libcst.codemod.visitors._gather_unused_imports

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Collection, Iterable, Set, Tuple, Union

import libcst as cst
from libcst.codemod._context import CodemodContext
from libcst.codemod._visitor import ContextAwareVisitor
from libcst.codemod.visitors._gather_exports import GatherExportsVisitor
from libcst.codemod.visitors._gather_string_annotation_names import (
from libcst.metadata import ProviderT, ScopeProvider
from libcst.metadata.scope_provider import _gen_dotted_names


[docs] class GatherUnusedImportsVisitor(ContextAwareVisitor): """ Collects all imports from a module not directly used in the same module. Intended to be instantiated and passed to a :class:`libcst.Module` :meth:`~libcst.CSTNode.visit` method to process the full module. Note that imports that are only used indirectly (from other modules) are still collected. After visiting a module the attribute ``unused_imports`` will contain a set of unused :class:`~libcst.ImportAlias` objects, paired with their parent import node. """ # pyre-fixme[8]: Attribute has type # `Tuple[typing.Type[cst.metadata.base_provider.BaseMetadataProvider[object]]]`; # used as `Tuple[typing.Type[cst.metadata.name_provider.QualifiedNameProvider], # typing.Type[cst.metadata.scope_provider.ScopeProvider]]`. METADATA_DEPENDENCIES: Tuple[ProviderT] = ( *GatherNamesFromStringAnnotationsVisitor.METADATA_DEPENDENCIES, ScopeProvider, ) def __init__( self, context: CodemodContext, ignored_modules: Collection[str] = MODULES_IGNORED_BY_DEFAULT, typing_functions: Collection[str] = FUNCS_CONSIDERED_AS_STRING_ANNOTATIONS, ) -> None: super().__init__(context) self._ignored_modules: Collection[str] = ignored_modules self._typing_functions = typing_functions self._string_annotation_names: Set[str] = set() self._exported_names: Set[str] = set() #: Contains a set of (alias, parent_import) pairs that are not used #: in the module after visiting. self.unused_imports: Set[ Tuple[cst.ImportAlias, Union[cst.Import, cst.ImportFrom]] ] = set() def visit_Module(self, node: cst.Module) -> bool: export_collector = GatherExportsVisitor(self.context) node.visit(export_collector) self._exported_names = export_collector.explicit_exported_objects annotation_visitor = GatherNamesFromStringAnnotationsVisitor( self.context, typing_functions=self._typing_functions ) node.visit(annotation_visitor) self._string_annotation_names = annotation_visitor.names return True def visit_Import(self, node: cst.Import) -> bool: self.handle_import(node) return False def visit_ImportFrom(self, node: cst.ImportFrom) -> bool: module = node.module if ( not isinstance(node.names, cst.ImportStar) and module is not None and module.value not in self._ignored_modules ): self.handle_import(node) return False def handle_import(self, node: Union[cst.Import, cst.ImportFrom]) -> None: names = node.names assert not isinstance(names, cst.ImportStar) # hello, type checker for alias in names: self.unused_imports.add((alias, node)) def leave_Module(self, original_node: cst.Module) -> None: self.unused_imports = self.filter_unused_imports(self.unused_imports)
[docs] def filter_unused_imports( self, candidates: Iterable[Tuple[cst.ImportAlias, Union[cst.Import, cst.ImportFrom]]], ) -> Set[Tuple[cst.ImportAlias, Union[cst.Import, cst.ImportFrom]]]: """ Return the imports in ``candidates`` which are not used. This function implements the main logic of this visitor, and is called after traversal. It calls :meth:`~is_in_use` on each import. Override this in a subclass for additional filtering. """ unused_imports = set() for alias, parent in candidates: scope = self.get_metadata(ScopeProvider, parent) if scope is None: continue if not self.is_in_use(scope, alias): unused_imports.add((alias, parent)) return unused_imports
[docs] def is_in_use(self, scope: cst.metadata.Scope, alias: cst.ImportAlias) -> bool: """ Check if ``alias`` is in use in the given ``scope``. An alias is in use if it's directly referenced, exported, or appears in a string type annotation. Override this in a subclass for additional filtering. """ asname = alias.asname names = _gen_dotted_names( cst.ensure_type(, cst.Name) if asname is not None else ) for name_or_alias, _ in names: if ( name_or_alias in self._exported_names or name_or_alias in self._string_annotation_names ): return True for assignment in scope[name_or_alias]: if ( isinstance(assignment, cst.metadata.ImportAssignment) and len(assignment.references) > 0 ): return True return False