Source code for libcst.codemod._codemod

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import replace
from typing import Generator

from libcst import MetadataDependent, MetadataWrapper, Module
from libcst.codemod._context import CodemodContext

[docs] class Codemod(MetadataDependent, ABC): """ Abstract base class that all codemods must subclass from. Classes wishing to perform arbitrary, non-visitor-based mutations on a tree should subclass from this class directly. Classes wishing to perform visitor-based mutation should instead subclass from :class:`~libcst.codemod.ContextAwareTransformer`. Note that a :class:`~libcst.codemod.Codemod` is a subclass of :class:`~libcst.MetadataDependent`, meaning that you can declare metadata dependencies with the :attr:`~libcst.MetadataDependent.METADATA_DEPENDENCIES` class property and while you are executing a transform you can call :meth:`~libcst.MetadataDependent.get_metadata` to retrieve the resolved metadata. """ def __init__(self, context: CodemodContext) -> None: MetadataDependent.__init__(self) self.context: CodemodContext = context
[docs] def should_allow_multiple_passes(self) -> bool: """ Override this and return ``True`` to allow your transform to be called repeatedly until the tree doesn't change between passes. By default, this is off, and should suffice for most transforms. """ return False
[docs] def warn(self, warning: str) -> None: """ Emit a warning that is displayed to the user who has invoked this codemod. """ self.context.warnings.append(warning)
@property def module(self) -> Module: """ Reference to the currently-traversed module. Note that this is only available during the execution of a codemod. The module reference is particularly handy if you want to use :meth:`libcst.Module.code_for_node` or :attr:`libcst.Module.config_for_parsing` and don't wish to track a reference to the top-level module manually. """ module = self.context.module if module is None: raise Exception( f"Attempted access of {self.__class__.__name__}.module outside of " + "transform_module()." ) return module
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform_module_impl(self, tree: Module) -> Module: """ Override this with your transform. You should take in the tree, optionally mutate it and then return the mutated version. The module reference and all calculated metadata are available for the lifetime of this function. """ ...
@contextmanager def _handle_metadata_reference( self, module: Module ) -> Generator[Module, None, None]: oldwrapper = self.context.wrapper metadata_manager = self.context.metadata_manager filename = self.context.filename if metadata_manager is not None and filename: # We can look up full-repo metadata for this codemod! cache = metadata_manager.get_cache_for_path(filename) wrapper = MetadataWrapper(module, cache=cache) else: # We are missing either the repo manager or the current path, # which can happen when we are codemodding from stdin or when # an upstream dependency manually instantiates us. wrapper = MetadataWrapper(module) with self.resolve(wrapper): self.context = replace(self.context, wrapper=wrapper) try: yield wrapper.module finally: self.context = replace(self.context, wrapper=oldwrapper)
[docs] def transform_module(self, tree: Module) -> Module: """ Transform entrypoint which handles multi-pass logic and metadata calculation for you. This is the method that you should call if you wish to invoke a codemod directly. This is the method that is called by :func:`~libcst.codemod.transform_module`. """ if not self.should_allow_multiple_passes(): with self._handle_metadata_reference(tree) as tree_with_metadata: return self.transform_module_impl(tree_with_metadata) # We allow multiple passes, so we execute 1+ passes until there are # no more changes. previous: Module = tree while True: with self._handle_metadata_reference(tree) as tree_with_metadata: tree = self.transform_module_impl(tree_with_metadata) if tree.deep_equals(previous): break previous = tree return tree