Source code for libcst._visitors

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

from libcst._flatten_sentinel import FlattenSentinel
from libcst._metadata_dependent import MetadataDependent
from libcst._removal_sentinel import RemovalSentinel
from libcst._typed_visitor import CSTTypedTransformerFunctions, CSTTypedVisitorFunctions
from libcst._types import CSTNodeT

    # Circular dependency for typing reasons only
    from libcst._nodes.base import CSTNode  # noqa: F401

CSTVisitorT = Union["CSTTransformer", "CSTVisitor"]

[docs] class CSTTransformer(CSTTypedTransformerFunctions, MetadataDependent): """ The low-level base visitor class for traversing a CST and creating an updated copy of the original CST. This should be used in conjunction with the :func:`~libcst.CSTNode.visit` method on a :class:`~libcst.CSTNode` to visit each element in a tree starting with that node, and possibly returning a new node in its place. When visiting nodes using a :class:`CSTTransformer`, the return value of :func:`~libcst.CSTNode.visit` will be a new tree with any changes made in :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_leave` calls reflected in its children. """
[docs] def on_visit(self, node: "CSTNode") -> bool: """ Called every time a node is visited, before we've visited its children. Returns ``True`` if children should be visited, and returns ``False`` otherwise. """ visit_func = getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}", None) if visit_func is not None: retval = visit_func(node) else: retval = True # Don't visit children IFF the visit function returned False. return False if retval is False else True
[docs] def on_leave( self, original_node: CSTNodeT, updated_node: CSTNodeT ) -> Union[CSTNodeT, RemovalSentinel, FlattenSentinel[CSTNodeT]]: """ Called every time we leave a node, after we've visited its children. If the :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_visit` function for this node returns ``False``, this function will still be called on that node. ``original_node`` is guaranteed to be the same node as is passed to :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_visit`, so it is safe to do state-based checks using the ``is`` operator. Modifications should always be performed on the ``updated_node`` so as to not overwrite changes made by child visits. Returning :attr:`RemovalSentinel.REMOVE` indicates that the node should be removed from its parent. This is not always possible, and may raise an exception if this node is required. As a convenience, you can use :func:`RemoveFromParent` as an alias to :attr:`RemovalSentinel.REMOVE`. """ leave_func = getattr(self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}", None) if leave_func is not None: updated_node = leave_func(original_node, updated_node) return updated_node
[docs] def on_visit_attribute(self, node: "CSTNode", attribute: str) -> None: """ Called before a node's child attribute is visited and after we have called :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_visit` on the node. A node's child attributes are visited in the order that they appear in source that this node originates from. """ visit_func = getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}_{attribute}", None) if visit_func is not None: visit_func(node)
[docs] def on_leave_attribute(self, original_node: "CSTNode", attribute: str) -> None: """ Called after a node's child attribute is visited and before we have called :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_leave` on the node. Unlike :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_leave`, this function does not allow modifications to the tree and is provided solely for state management. """ leave_func = getattr( self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}_{attribute}", None ) if leave_func is not None: leave_func(original_node)
[docs] class CSTVisitor(CSTTypedVisitorFunctions, MetadataDependent): """ The low-level base visitor class for traversing a CST. This should be used in conjunction with the :func:`~libcst.CSTNode.visit` method on a :class:`~libcst.CSTNode` to visit each element in a tree starting with that node. Unlike :class:`CSTTransformer`, instances of this class cannot modify the tree. When visiting nodes using a :class:`CSTVisitor`, the return value of :func:`~libcst.CSTNode.visit` will equal the passed in tree. """
[docs] def on_visit(self, node: "CSTNode") -> bool: """ Called every time a node is visited, before we've visited its children. Returns ``True`` if children should be visited, and returns ``False`` otherwise. """ visit_func = getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}", None) if visit_func is not None: retval = visit_func(node) else: retval = True # Don't visit children IFF the visit function returned False. return False if retval is False else True
[docs] def on_leave(self, original_node: "CSTNode") -> None: """ Called every time we leave a node, after we've visited its children. If the :func:`~libcst.CSTVisitor.on_visit` function for this node returns ``False``, this function will still be called on that node. """ leave_func = getattr(self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}", None) if leave_func is not None: leave_func(original_node)
[docs] def on_visit_attribute(self, node: "CSTNode", attribute: str) -> None: """ Called before a node's child attribute is visited and after we have called :func:`~libcst.CSTTransformer.on_visit` on the node. A node's child attributes are visited in the order that they appear in source that this node originates from. """ visit_func = getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}_{attribute}", None) if visit_func is not None: visit_func(node)
[docs] def on_leave_attribute(self, original_node: "CSTNode", attribute: str) -> None: """ Called after a node's child attribute is visited and before we have called :func:`~libcst.CSTVisitor.on_leave` on the node. """ leave_func = getattr( self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}_{attribute}", None ) if leave_func is not None: leave_func(original_node)