Source code for libcst._exceptions

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from enum import auto, Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, final, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from libcst._parser.parso.pgen2.generator import ReservedString
from libcst._parser.parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes, TokenType
from libcst._parser.types.token import Token
from libcst._tabs import expand_tabs

_EOF_STR: str = "end of file (EOF)"
_INDENT_STR: str = "an indent"
_DEDENT_STR: str = "a dedent"
_NEWLINE_CHARS: str = "\r\n"

class EOFSentinel(Enum):
    EOF = auto()

def get_expected_str(
    encountered: Union[Token, EOFSentinel],
    expected: Union[Iterable[Union[TokenType, ReservedString]], EOFSentinel],
) -> str:
    if (
        isinstance(encountered, EOFSentinel)
        or encountered.type is PythonTokenTypes.ENDMARKER
        encountered_str = _EOF_STR
    elif encountered.type is PythonTokenTypes.INDENT:
        encountered_str = _INDENT_STR
    elif encountered.type is PythonTokenTypes.DEDENT:
        encountered_str = _DEDENT_STR
        encountered_str = repr(encountered.string)

    if isinstance(expected, EOFSentinel):
        expected_names = [_EOF_STR]
        expected_names = sorted(
                repr( if isinstance(el, TokenType) else repr(el.value)
                for el in expected

    if len(expected_names) > 10:
        # There's too many possibilities, so it's probably not useful to list them.
        # Instead, let's just abbreviate the message.
        return f"Unexpectedly encountered {encountered_str}."
        if len(expected_names) == 1:
            expected_str = expected_names[0]
            expected_str = f"{', '.join(expected_names[:-1])}, or {expected_names[-1]}"
        return f"Encountered {encountered_str}, but expected {expected_str}."

# pyre-fixme[2]: 'Any' type isn't pyre-strict.
def _parser_syntax_error_unpickle(kwargs: Any) -> "ParserSyntaxError":
    return ParserSyntaxError(**kwargs)

class PartialParserSyntaxError(Exception):
    An internal exception that represents a partially-constructed
    :class:`ParserSyntaxError`. It's raised by our internal parser conversion functions,
    which don't always know the current line and column information.

    This partial object only contains a message, with the expectation that the line and
    column information will be filled in by :class:`libcst._base_parser.BaseParser`.

    This should never be visible to the end-user.

    message: str

    def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
        self.message = message

[docs] @final class ParserSyntaxError(Exception): """ Contains an error encountered while trying to parse a piece of source code. This exception shouldn't be constructed directly by the user, but instead may be raised by calls to :func:`parse_module`, :func:`parse_expression`, or :func:`parse_statement`. This does not inherit from :class:`SyntaxError` because Python's may raise a :class:`SyntaxError` for any number of reasons, potentially leading to unintended behavior. """ #: A human-readable explanation of the syntax error without information about where #: the error occurred. #: #: For a human-readable explanation of the error alongside information about where #: it occurred, use :meth:`__str__` (via ``str(ex)``) instead. message: str # An internal value used to compute `editor_column` and to pretty-print where the # syntax error occurred in the code. _lines: Sequence[str] #: The one-indexed line where the error occured. raw_line: int #: The zero-indexed column as a number of characters from the start of the line #: where the error occured. raw_column: int def __init__( self, message: str, *, lines: Sequence[str], raw_line: int, raw_column: int ) -> None: super(ParserSyntaxError, self).__init__(message) self.message = message self._lines = lines self.raw_line = raw_line self.raw_column = raw_column def __reduce__( self, ) -> Tuple[Callable[..., "ParserSyntaxError"], Tuple[object, ...]]: return ( _parser_syntax_error_unpickle, ( { "message": self.message, "lines": self._lines, "raw_line": self.raw_line, "raw_column": self.raw_column, }, ), )
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ A multi-line human-readable error message of where the syntax error is in their code. For example:: Syntax Error @ 2:1. Incomplete input. Encountered end of file (EOF), but expected 'except', or 'finally'. try: pass ^ """ context = self.context return ( f"Syntax Error @ {self.editor_line}:{self.editor_column}.\n" + f"{self.message}" + (f"\n\n{context}" if context is not None else "") )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "ParserSyntaxError(" + f"{self.message!r}, lines=[...], raw_line={self.raw_line!r}, " + f"raw_column={self.raw_column!r})" ) @property def context(self) -> Optional[str]: """ A formatted string containing the line of code with the syntax error (or a non-empty line above it) along with a caret indicating the exact column where the error occurred. Return ``None`` if there's no relevant non-empty line to show. (e.g. the file consists of only blank lines) """ displayed_line = self.editor_line displayed_column = self.editor_column # we want to avoid displaying a blank line for context. If we're on a blank line # find the nearest line above us that isn't blank. while displayed_line >= 1 and not len(self._lines[displayed_line - 1].strip()): displayed_line -= 1 displayed_column = len(self._lines[displayed_line - 1]) # only show context if we managed to find a non-empty line if len(self._lines[displayed_line - 1].strip()): formatted_source_line = expand_tabs(self._lines[displayed_line - 1]).rstrip( _NEWLINE_CHARS ) # fmt: off return ( f"{formatted_source_line}\n" + f"{' ' * (displayed_column - 1)}^" ) # fmt: on else: return None @property def editor_line(self) -> int: """ The expected one-indexed line in the user's editor. This is the same as :attr:`raw_line`. """ return self.raw_line # raw_line is already one-indexed. @property def editor_column(self) -> int: """ The expected one-indexed column that's likely to match the behavior of the user's editor, assuming tabs expand to 1-8 spaces. This is the column number shown when the syntax error is printed out with `str`. This assumes single-width characters. However, because python doesn't ship with a wcwidth function, it's hard to handle this properly without a third-party dependency. For a raw zero-indexed character offset without tab expansion, see :attr:`raw_column`. """ prefix_str = self._lines[self.raw_line - 1][: self.raw_column] tab_adjusted_column = len(expand_tabs(prefix_str)) # Text editors use a one-indexed column, so we need to add one to our # zero-indexed column to get a human-readable result. return tab_adjusted_column + 1
class MetadataException(Exception): pass