Source code for libcst.metadata.wrapper

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import textwrap
from contextlib import ExitStack
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (

from libcst._batched_visitor import BatchableCSTVisitor, visit_batched, VisitorMethod
from libcst._exceptions import MetadataException
from libcst.metadata.base_provider import BatchableMetadataProvider

    from libcst._nodes.base import CSTNode  # noqa: F401
    from libcst._nodes.module import Module  # noqa: F401
    from libcst._visitors import CSTVisitorT  # noqa: F401
    from libcst.metadata.base_provider import (  # noqa: F401

_T = TypeVar("_T")

def _gen_batchable(
    wrapper: "MetadataWrapper",
    # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter `providers` must have a type that does not contain `Any`
    providers: Iterable[BatchableMetadataProvider[Any]],
) -> Mapping["ProviderT", Mapping["CSTNode", object]]:
    Returns map of metadata mappings from resolving ``providers`` on ``wrapper``.

    # Make immutable metadata mapping
    # pyre-ignore[7]
    return {type(p): MappingProxyType(dict(p._computed)) for p in providers}

def _gather_providers(
    providers: Collection["ProviderT"], gathered: MutableSet["ProviderT"]
) -> MutableSet["ProviderT"]:
    Recursively gathers all the given providers and their dependencies.
    for P in providers:
        if P not in gathered:
            _gather_providers(P.METADATA_DEPENDENCIES, gathered)
    return gathered

def _resolve_impl(
    wrapper: "MetadataWrapper", providers: Collection["ProviderT"]
) -> None:
    Updates the _metadata map on wrapper with metadata from the given providers
    as well as their dependencies.
    completed = set(wrapper._metadata.keys())
    remaining = _gather_providers(set(providers), set()) - completed

    while len(remaining) > 0:
        batchable = set()

        for P in remaining:
            if set(P.METADATA_DEPENDENCIES).issubset(completed):
                if issubclass(P, BatchableMetadataProvider):
                    wrapper._metadata[P] = (
                        if P.gen_cache
                        else P()._gen(wrapper)

        initialized_batchable = [
            p(wrapper._cache.get(p)) if p.gen_cache else p() for p in batchable
        metadata_batch = _gen_batchable(wrapper, initialized_batchable)
        completed |= batchable

        if len(completed) == 0 and len(batchable) == 0:
            # remaining must be non-empty at this point
            names = ", ".join([P.__name__ for P in remaining])
            raise MetadataException(f"Detected circular dependencies in {names}")

        remaining -= completed

[docs] class MetadataWrapper: """ A wrapper around a :class:`~libcst.Module` that stores associated metadata for that module. When a :class:`MetadataWrapper` is constructed over a module, the wrapper will store a deep copy of the original module. This means ``MetadataWrapper(module).module == module`` is ``False``. This copying operation ensures that a node will never appear twice (by identity) in the same tree. This allows us to uniquely look up metadata for a node based on a node's identity. """ __slots__ = ["__module", "_metadata", "_cache"] __module: "Module" _metadata: MutableMapping["ProviderT", Mapping["CSTNode", object]] _cache: Mapping["ProviderT", object]
[docs] def __init__( self, module: "Module", unsafe_skip_copy: bool = False, cache: Mapping["ProviderT", object] = {}, ) -> None: """ :param module: The module to wrap. This is deeply copied by default. :param unsafe_skip_copy: When true, this skips the deep cloning of the module. This can provide a small performance benefit, but you should only use this if you know that there are no duplicate nodes in your tree (e.g. this module came from the parser). :param cache: Pass the needed cache to wrapper to be used when resolving metadata. """ # Ensure that module is safe to use by copying the module to remove # any duplicate nodes. if not unsafe_skip_copy: module = module.deep_clone() self.__module = module self._metadata = {} self._cache = cache
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"MetadataWrapper(\n{textwrap.indent(repr(self.module), ' ' * 4)},\n)" @property def module(self) -> "Module": """ The module that's wrapped by this MetadataWrapper. By default, this is a deep copy of the passed in module. :: mw = ModuleWrapper(module) # Because `mw.module is not module`, you probably want to do visit and do # your analysis on `mw.module`, not `module`. mw.module.visit(DoSomeAnalysisVisitor) """ # use a property getter to enforce that this is a read-only variable return self.__module
[docs] def resolve( self, provider: Type["BaseMetadataProvider[_T]"] ) -> Mapping["CSTNode", _T]: """ Returns a copy of the metadata mapping computed by ``provider``. """ if provider in self._metadata: metadata = self._metadata[provider] else: metadata = self.resolve_many([provider])[provider] return cast(Mapping["CSTNode", _T], metadata)
[docs] def resolve_many( self, providers: Collection["ProviderT"] ) -> Mapping["ProviderT", Mapping["CSTNode", object]]: """ Returns a copy of the map of metadata mapping computed by each provider in ``providers``. The returned map does not contain any metadata from undeclared metadata dependencies that ``providers`` has. """ _resolve_impl(self, providers) # Only return what what declared in providers return {k: self._metadata[k] for k in providers}
[docs] def visit(self, visitor: "CSTVisitorT") -> "Module": """ Convenience method to resolve metadata before performing a traversal over ``self.module`` with ``visitor``. See :func:`~libcst.Module.visit`. """ with visitor.resolve(self): return self.module.visit(visitor)
[docs] def visit_batched( self, visitors: Iterable[BatchableCSTVisitor], before_visit: Optional[VisitorMethod] = None, after_leave: Optional[VisitorMethod] = None, ) -> "CSTNode": """ Convenience method to resolve metadata before performing a traversal over ``self.module`` with ``visitors``. See :func:`~libcst.visit_batched`. """ with ExitStack() as stack: # Resolve dependencies of visitors for v in visitors: stack.enter_context(v.resolve(self)) return visit_batched(self.module, visitors, before_visit, after_leave)