Source code for libcst.metadata.name_provider

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import dataclasses
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Collection, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

import libcst as cst
from libcst._metadata_dependent import LazyValue, MetadataDependent
from libcst.helpers.module import calculate_module_and_package, ModuleNameAndPackage
from libcst.metadata.base_provider import BatchableMetadataProvider
from libcst.metadata.scope_provider import (

[docs] class QualifiedNameProvider(BatchableMetadataProvider[Collection[QualifiedName]]): """ Compute possible qualified names of a variable CSTNode (extends `PEP-3155 <>`_). It uses the :func:`~libcst.metadata.Scope.get_qualified_names_for` underlying to get qualified names. Multiple qualified names may be returned, such as when we have conditional imports or an import shadows another. E.g., the provider finds ``a.b``, ``d.e`` and ``f.g`` as possible qualified names of ``c``:: >>> wrapper = MetadataWrapper( >>> cst.parse_module(dedent( >>> ''' >>> if something: >>> from a import b as c >>> elif otherthing: >>> from d import e as c >>> else: >>> from f import g as c >>> c() >>> ''' >>> )) >>> ) >>> call = wrapper.module.body[1].body[0].value >>> wrapper.resolve(QualifiedNameProvider)[call], { QualifiedName(name="a.b", source=QualifiedNameSource.IMPORT), QualifiedName(name="d.e", source=QualifiedNameSource.IMPORT), QualifiedName(name="f.g", source=QualifiedNameSource.IMPORT), } For qualified name of a variable in a function or a comprehension, please refer :func:`~libcst.metadata.Scope.get_qualified_names_for` for more detail. """ METADATA_DEPENDENCIES = (ScopeProvider,) def visit_Module(self, node: cst.Module) -> Optional[bool]: visitor = QualifiedNameVisitor(self) node.visit(visitor)
[docs] @staticmethod def has_name( visitor: MetadataDependent, node: cst.CSTNode, name: Union[str, QualifiedName] ) -> bool: """Check if any of qualified name has the str name or :class:`~libcst.metadata.QualifiedName` name.""" qualified_names = visitor.get_metadata(QualifiedNameProvider, node, set()) if isinstance(name, str): return any( == name for qn in qualified_names) else: return any(qn == name for qn in qualified_names)
class QualifiedNameVisitor(cst.CSTVisitor): def __init__(self, provider: "QualifiedNameProvider") -> None: self.provider: QualifiedNameProvider = provider def on_visit(self, node: cst.CSTNode) -> bool: scope = self.provider.get_metadata(ScopeProvider, node, None) if scope: self.provider.set_metadata( node, LazyValue(lambda: scope.get_qualified_names_for(node)) ) else: self.provider.set_metadata(node, set()) super().on_visit(node) return True
[docs] class FullyQualifiedNameProvider(BatchableMetadataProvider[Collection[QualifiedName]]): """ Provide fully qualified names for CST nodes. Like :class:`QualifiedNameProvider`, but the provided :class:`QualifiedName` instances have absolute identifier names instead of local to the current module. This provider is initialized with the current module's fully qualified name, and can be used with :class:`~libcst.metadata.FullRepoManager`. The module's fully qualified name itself is stored as a metadata of the :class:`~libcst.Module` node. Compared to :class:`QualifiedNameProvider`, it also resolves relative imports. Example usage:: >>> mgr = FullRepoManager(".", {"dir/"}, {FullyQualifiedNameProvider}) >>> wrapper = mgr.get_metadata_wrapper_for_path("dir/") >>> fqnames = wrapper.resolve(FullyQualifiedNameProvider) >>> {type(k): v for (k, v) in fqnames.items()} {<class 'libcst._nodes.module.Module'>: {QualifiedName(name='dir.a', source=<QualifiedNameSource.LOCAL: 3>)}} """ METADATA_DEPENDENCIES = (QualifiedNameProvider,)
[docs] @classmethod def gen_cache( cls, root_path: Path, paths: List[str], timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> Mapping[str, ModuleNameAndPackage]: cache = {path: calculate_module_and_package(root_path, path) for path in paths} return cache
def __init__(self, cache: ModuleNameAndPackage) -> None: super().__init__(cache) self.module_name: str = self.package_name: str = cache.package def visit_Module(self, node: cst.Module) -> bool: visitor = FullyQualifiedNameVisitor(self, self.module_name, self.package_name) node.visit(visitor) self.set_metadata( node, {QualifiedName(name=self.module_name, source=QualifiedNameSource.LOCAL)}, ) return True
class FullyQualifiedNameVisitor(cst.CSTVisitor): @staticmethod def _fully_qualify_local(module_name: str, package_name: str, name: str) -> str: abs_name = name.lstrip(".") num_dots = len(name) - len(abs_name) # handle relative import if num_dots > 0: name = abs_name # see importlib._bootstrap._resolve_name # bits = package_name.rsplit(".", num_dots - 1) if len(bits) < num_dots: raise ImportError("attempted relative import beyond top-level package") module_name = bits[0] return f"{module_name}.{name}" @staticmethod def _fully_qualify( module_name: str, package_name: str, qname: QualifiedName ) -> QualifiedName: if qname.source == QualifiedNameSource.BUILTIN: # builtins are already fully qualified return qname name = if qname.source == QualifiedNameSource.IMPORT and not name.startswith("."): # non-relative imports are already fully qualified return qname new_name = FullyQualifiedNameVisitor._fully_qualify_local( module_name, package_name, ) return dataclasses.replace(qname, name=new_name) def __init__( self, provider: FullyQualifiedNameProvider, module_name: str, package_name: str ) -> None: self.module_name = module_name self.package_name = package_name self.provider = provider def on_visit(self, node: cst.CSTNode) -> bool: qnames = self.provider.get_metadata(QualifiedNameProvider, node) if qnames is not None: self.provider.set_metadata( node, { FullyQualifiedNameVisitor._fully_qualify( self.module_name, self.package_name, qname ) for qname in qnames }, ) return True