Source code for libcst.metadata.expression_context_provider

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from enum import auto, Enum
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import libcst as cst
from libcst.metadata.base_provider import BatchableMetadataProvider

[docs] class ExpressionContext(Enum): """Used in :class:`ExpressionContextProvider` to represent context of a variable reference.""" #: Load the value of a variable reference. #: #: >>> libcst.MetadataWrapper(libcst.parse_module("a")).resolve(libcst.ExpressionContextProvider) #: mappingproxy({Name( #: value='a', #: lpar=[], #: rpar=[], #: ): <ExpressionContext.LOAD: 1>}) LOAD = auto() #: Store a value to a variable reference by :class:`~libcst.Assign` (``=``), #: :class:`~libcst.AugAssign` (e.g. ``+=``, ``-=``, etc), or #: :class:`~libcst.AnnAssign`. #: #: >>> libcst.MetadataWrapper(libcst.parse_module("a = b")).resolve(libcst.ExpressionContextProvider) #: mappingproxy({Name( #: value='a', #: lpar=[], #: rpar=[], #: ): <ExpressionContext.STORE: 2>, Name( #: value='b', #: lpar=[], #: rpar=[], #: ): <ExpressionContext.LOAD: 1>}) STORE = auto() #: Delete value of a variable reference by ``del``. #: #: >>> libcst.MetadataWrapper(libcst.parse_module("del a")).resolve(libcst.ExpressionContextProvider) #: mappingproxy({Name( #: value='a', #: lpar=[], #: rpar=[], #: ): < ExpressionContext.DEL: 3 >}) DEL = auto()
class ExpressionContextVisitor(cst.CSTVisitor): def __init__( self, provider: "ExpressionContextProvider", context: ExpressionContext ) -> None: self.provider = provider self.context = context def visit_Assign(self, node: cst.Assign) -> bool: for target in node.targets: target.visit( ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.value.visit(self) return False def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: cst.AnnAssign) -> bool: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.annotation.visit(self) value = node.value if value: value.visit(self) return False def visit_AugAssign(self, node: cst.AugAssign) -> bool: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.value.visit(self) return False def visit_NamedExpr(self, node: cst.NamedExpr) -> bool: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.value.visit(self) return False def visit_Name(self, node: cst.Name) -> bool: self.provider.set_metadata(node, self.context) return False def visit_AsName(self, node: cst.AsName) -> Optional[bool]: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) return False def visit_CompFor(self, node: cst.CompFor) -> bool: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.iter.visit(self) for i in node.ifs: i.visit(self) inner_for_in = node.inner_for_in if inner_for_in: inner_for_in.visit(self) return False def visit_For(self, node: cst.For) -> bool: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.iter.visit(self) node.body.visit(self) orelse = node.orelse if orelse: orelse.visit(self) return False def visit_Del(self, node: cst.Del) -> bool: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.DEL) ) return False def visit_Attribute(self, node: cst.Attribute) -> bool: self.provider.set_metadata(node, self.context) node.value.visit( ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.LOAD) ) # don't visit attr (Name), so attr has no context return False def visit_Subscript(self, node: cst.Subscript) -> bool: self.provider.set_metadata(node, self.context) node.value.visit( ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.LOAD) ) slice = node.slice if isinstance(slice, Sequence): for sli in slice: sli.visit( ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.LOAD) ) else: slice.visit(ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.LOAD)) return False def visit_Tuple(self, node: cst.Tuple) -> Optional[bool]: self.provider.set_metadata(node, self.context) def visit_List(self, node: cst.List) -> Optional[bool]: self.provider.set_metadata(node, self.context) def visit_StarredElement(self, node: cst.StarredElement) -> Optional[bool]: self.provider.set_metadata(node, self.context) def visit_ClassDef(self, node: cst.ClassDef) -> Optional[bool]: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.body.visit(self) for base in node.bases: base.visit(self) for keyword in node.keywords: keyword.visit(self) for decorator in node.decorators: decorator.visit(self) return False def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: cst.FunctionDef) -> Optional[bool]: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) node.params.visit(self) node.body.visit(self) for decorator in node.decorators: decorator.visit(self) returns = node.returns if returns: returns.visit(self) return False def visit_Param(self, node: cst.Param) -> Optional[bool]: ExpressionContextVisitor(self.provider, ExpressionContext.STORE) ) annotation = node.annotation if annotation: annotation.visit(self) default = node.default if default: default.visit(self) return False
[docs] class ExpressionContextProvider(BatchableMetadataProvider[ExpressionContext]): """ Provides :class:`ExpressionContext` metadata (mimics the `expr_context <>`__ in ast) for the following node types: :class:`~libcst.Attribute`, :class:`~libcst.Subscript`, :class:`~libcst.StarredElement` , :class:`~libcst.List`, :class:`~libcst.Tuple` and :class:`~libcst.Name`. Note that a :class:`~libcst.Name` may not always have context because of the differences between ast and LibCST. E.g. :attr:`~libcst.Attribute.attr` is a :class:`~libcst.Name` in LibCST but a str in ast. To honor ast implementation, we don't assign context to :attr:`~libcst.Attribute.attr`. Three context types :attr:`ExpressionContext.STORE`, :attr:`ExpressionContext.LOAD` and :attr:`ExpressionContext.DEL` are provided. """ def visit_Module(self, node: cst.Module) -> Optional[bool]: node.visit(ExpressionContextVisitor(self, ExpressionContext.LOAD))