Source code for libcst.matchers._visitors

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from inspect import ismethod, signature
from typing import (

import libcst as cst
from libcst import CSTTransformer, CSTVisitor
from libcst._types import CSTNodeT
from libcst.matchers._decorators import (
from libcst.matchers._matcher_base import (
from libcst.matchers._return_types import TYPED_FUNCTION_RETURN_MAPPING

    # PEP 604 unions, in Python 3.10+
    from types import UnionType
except ImportError:
    # We use this for isinstance; no annotation will be an instance of this
    class UnionType:

    *{f"visit_{cls.__name__}" for cls in TYPED_FUNCTION_RETURN_MAPPING},
    *{f"leave_{cls.__name__}" for cls in TYPED_FUNCTION_RETURN_MAPPING},

def is_property(obj: object, attr_name: str) -> bool:
    """Check if obj.attr is a property without evaluating it."""
    return isinstance(getattr(type(obj), attr_name, None), property)

# pyre-ignore We don't care about Any here, its not exposed.
def _match_decorator_unpickler(kwargs: Any) -> "MatchDecoratorMismatch":
    return MatchDecoratorMismatch(**kwargs)

class MatchDecoratorMismatch(Exception):
    def __init__(self, func: str, message: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(f"Invalid function signature for {func}: {message}")
        self.func = func
        self.message = message

    def __reduce__(
    ) -> Tuple[Callable[..., "MatchDecoratorMismatch"], Tuple[object, ...]]:
        return (
            ({"func": self.func, "message": self.message},),

def _get_possible_match_classes(matcher: BaseMatcherNode) -> List[Type[cst.CSTNode]]:
    if isinstance(matcher, (OneOf, AllOf)):
        return [getattr(cst, m.__class__.__name__) for m in matcher.options]
        return [getattr(cst, matcher.__class__.__name__)]

def _annotation_is_union(annotation: object) -> bool:
    return (
        isinstance(annotation, UnionType)
        or getattr(annotation, "__origin__", None) is Union

def _get_possible_annotated_classes(annotation: object) -> List[Type[object]]:
    if _annotation_is_union(annotation):
        return getattr(annotation, "__args__", [])
        return [cast(Type[object], annotation)]

def _get_valid_leave_annotations_for_classes(
    classes: Sequence[Type[cst.CSTNode]],
) -> Set[Type[object]]:
    retval: Set[Type[object]] = set()

    for cls in classes:
        # Look up the leave annotation for each class, combine them so we get a list of
        # all possible valid return annotations. Its not really possible for us (or
        # pyre) to fully enforce return types given the presence of OneOf/AllOf matchers, so
        # we do the best we can by taking a union of all valid return annotations.

    return retval

def _verify_return_annotation(
    possible_match_classes: Sequence[Type[cst.CSTNode]],
    # pyre-ignore We only care that meth is callable.
    meth: Callable[..., Any],
    decorator_name: str,
    expected_none: bool,
) -> None:
    type_hints = get_type_hints(meth)
    if expected_none:
        # Simply look for any annotation at all and if it exists, verify that
        # it is "None".
        if type_hints.get("return", type(None)) is not type(None):  # noqa: E721
            raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
                f"@{decorator_name} should only decorate functions that do "
                + "not return.",
        if "return" not in type_hints:
            # Can't check this, type annotation not supplied.

        possible_annotated_classes = _get_possible_annotated_classes(
        possible_returns = _get_valid_leave_annotations_for_classes(

        # Look at the union of specified return annotation, make sure that
        # they are all subclasses of the original leave_<Node> return
        # annotations. This catches when somebody tries to return a new node
        # that we know can't fit where the existing node was in the tree.
        for ret in possible_annotated_classes:
            for annotation in possible_returns:
                if issubclass(ret, annotation):
                    # This annotation is a superclass of the possible match,
                    # so we know that the types are correct.
                # The current ret was not a subclass of any of the annotated
                # return types.
                raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
                    f"@{decorator_name} decorated function cannot return "
                    + f"the type {ret.__name__}.",

def _verify_parameter_annotations(
    possible_match_classes: Sequence[Type[cst.CSTNode]],
    # pyre-ignore We only care that meth is callable.
    meth: Callable[..., Any],
    decorator_name: str,
    expected_param_count: int,
) -> None:
    # First, verify that the number of parameters is sane.
    meth_signature = signature(meth)
    if len(meth_signature.parameters) != expected_param_count:
        raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
            f"@{decorator_name} should decorate functions which take "
            + f"{expected_param_count} parameter"
            + ("s" if expected_param_count > 1 else ""),

    # Finally, for each parameter, make sure that the annotation includes
    # each of the classes that might appear given the match string. This
    # can be done in the simple case by just specifying the correct cst node
    # type. For complex matches that use OneOf/AllOf, this could be a base class
    # that encompases all possible matches, or a union.
    params = [v for k, v in get_type_hints(meth).items() if k != "return"]
    for param in params:
        # Go through each possible matcher, and make sure that the annotation
        # for types is a superclass of each matcher.
        possible_annotated_classes = _get_possible_annotated_classes(param)
        for match in possible_match_classes:
            for annotation in possible_annotated_classes:
                if issubclass(match, annotation):
                    # This annotation is a superclass of the possible match,
                    # so we know that the types are correct.
                # The current match was not a subclass of any of the annotated
                # types.
                raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
                    f"@{decorator_name} can be called with {match.__name__} "
                    + "but the decorated function parameter annotations do "
                    + "not include this type.",

def _check_types(
    # pyre-ignore We don't care about the type of sequence, just that its callable.
    decoratormap: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]],
    decorator_name: str,
    expected_param_count: int,
    expected_none_return: bool,
) -> None:
    for matcher, methods in decoratormap.items():
        # Given the matcher class we have, get the list of possible cst nodes that
        # could be passed to the functionis we wrap.
        possible_match_classes = _get_possible_match_classes(matcher)
        has_invalid_top_level = any(
            isinstance(m, (AtLeastN, AtMostN, MatchIfTrue))
            for m in possible_match_classes

        # Now, loop through each function we wrap and verify that the type signature
        # is valid.
        for meth in methods:
            # First thing first, make sure this isn't wrapping an inner class.
            if not ismethod(meth):
                raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
                    "Matcher decorators should only be used on methods of "
                    + "MatcherDecoratableTransformer or "
                    + "MatcherDecoratableVisitor",
            if has_invalid_top_level:
                raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
                    "The root matcher in a matcher decorator cannot be an "
                    + "AtLeastN, AtMostN or MatchIfTrue matcher",

            # Now, check that the return annotation is valid.

            # Finally, check that the parameter annotations are valid.

def _gather_matchers(obj: object) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]:
    Set of gating matchers that we need to track and evaluate. We use these
    in conjunction with the call_if_inside and call_if_not_inside decorators
    to determine whether to call a visit/leave function.

    visit_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]] = {}

    for attr_name in dir(obj):
        if not is_property(obj, attr_name):
            func = getattr(obj, attr_name)
            for matcher in getattr(func, VISIT_POSITIVE_MATCHER_ATTR, []):
                visit_matchers[cast(BaseMatcherNode, matcher)] = None
            for matcher in getattr(func, VISIT_NEGATIVE_MATCHER_ATTR, []):
                visit_matchers[cast(BaseMatcherNode, matcher)] = None

    return visit_matchers

def _assert_not_concrete(
    decorator_name: str, func: Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]
) -> None:
    if func.__name__ in CONCRETE_METHODS:
        raise MatchDecoratorMismatch(
            f"@{decorator_name} should not decorate functions that are concrete "
            + "visit or leave methods.",

def _gather_constructed_visit_funcs(
    obj: object,
) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]]]:
    constructed_visitors: Dict[
        BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]]
    ] = {}

    for funcname in dir(obj):
        if is_property(obj, funcname):
        possible_func = getattr(obj, funcname)
        if not ismethod(possible_func):
        func = cast(Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None], possible_func)
        matchers = getattr(func, CONSTRUCTED_VISIT_MATCHER_ATTR, [])
        if matchers:
            # Make sure that we aren't accidentally putting a @visit on a visit_Node.
            _assert_not_concrete("visit", func)
        for matcher in matchers:
            casted_matcher = cast(BaseMatcherNode, matcher)
            constructed_visitors[casted_matcher] = (
                *constructed_visitors.get(casted_matcher, ()),

    return constructed_visitors

# pyre-ignore: There is no reasonable way to type this, so ignore the Any type. This
# is because the leave_* methods have a different signature depending on whether they
# are in a MatcherDecoratableTransformer or a MatcherDecoratableVisitor.
def _gather_constructed_leave_funcs(
    obj: object,
) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]]:
    constructed_visitors: Dict[
        BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]]
    ] = {}

    for funcname in dir(obj):
        if is_property(obj, funcname):
        possible_func = getattr(obj, funcname)
        if not ismethod(possible_func):
        func = cast(Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None], possible_func)
        matchers = getattr(func, CONSTRUCTED_LEAVE_MATCHER_ATTR, [])
        if matchers:
            # Make sure that we aren't accidentally putting a @leave on a leave_Node.
            _assert_not_concrete("leave", func)
        for matcher in matchers:
            casted_matcher = cast(BaseMatcherNode, matcher)
            constructed_visitors[casted_matcher] = (
                *constructed_visitors.get(casted_matcher, ()),

    return constructed_visitors

def _visit_matchers(
    matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]],
    node: cst.CSTNode,
    metadata_resolver: cst.MetadataDependent,
) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]:
    new_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]] = {}
    for matcher, existing_node in matchers.items():
        # We don't care about visiting matchers that are already true.
        if existing_node is None and matches(
            node, matcher, metadata_resolver=metadata_resolver
            # This node matches! Remember which node it was so we can
            # cancel it later.
            new_matchers[matcher] = node
            new_matchers[matcher] = existing_node
    return new_matchers

def _leave_matchers(
    matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]], node: cst.CSTNode
) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]:
    new_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]] = {}
    for matcher, existing_node in matchers.items():
        if node is existing_node:
            # This node matches, so we are no longer inside it.
            new_matchers[matcher] = None
            # We aren't leaving this node.
            new_matchers[matcher] = existing_node
    return new_matchers

def _all_positive_matchers_true(
    all_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]], obj: object
) -> bool:
    requested_matchers = getattr(obj, VISIT_POSITIVE_MATCHER_ATTR, [])
    for matcher in requested_matchers:
        if all_matchers[matcher] is None:
            # The passed in object has been decorated with a matcher that isn't
            # active.
            return False
    return True

def _all_negative_matchers_false(
    all_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]], obj: object
) -> bool:
    requested_matchers = getattr(obj, VISIT_NEGATIVE_MATCHER_ATTR, [])
    for matcher in requested_matchers:
        if all_matchers[matcher] is not None:
            # The passed in object has been decorated with a matcher that is active.
            return False
    return True

def _should_allow_visit(
    all_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]], obj: object
) -> bool:
    return _all_positive_matchers_true(
        all_matchers, obj
    ) and _all_negative_matchers_false(all_matchers, obj)

def _visit_constructed_funcs(
    visit_funcs: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]]],
    all_matchers: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]],
    node: cst.CSTNode,
    metadata_resolver: cst.MetadataDependent,
) -> None:
    for matcher, visit_funcs in visit_funcs.items():
        if matches(node, matcher, metadata_resolver=metadata_resolver):
            for visit_func in visit_funcs:
                if _should_allow_visit(all_matchers, visit_func):

[docs] class MatcherDecoratableTransformer(CSTTransformer): """ This class provides all of the features of a :class:`libcst.CSTTransformer`, and additionally supports various decorators to control when methods get called when traversing a tree. Use this instead of a :class:`libcst.CSTTransformer` if you wish to do more powerful decorator-based visiting. """ def __init__(self) -> None: CSTTransformer.__init__(self) self.__matchers: Optional[Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]] = None # Mapping of matchers to functions. If in the course of visiting the tree, # a node matches one of these matchers, the corresponding function will be # called as if it was a visit_* method. self._extra_visit_funcs: Dict[ BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]] ] = _gather_constructed_visit_funcs(self) # Mapping of matchers to functions. If in the course of leaving the tree, # a node matches one of these matchers, the corresponding function will be # called as if it was a leave_* method. self._extra_leave_funcs: Dict[ BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[ Callable[ [cst.CSTNode, cst.CSTNode], Union[cst.CSTNode, cst.RemovalSentinel] ] ], ] = _gather_constructed_leave_funcs(self) # Make sure visit/leave functions constructed with @visit and @leave decorators # have correct type annotations. _check_types( self._extra_visit_funcs, "visit", expected_param_count=1, expected_none_return=True, ) _check_types( self._extra_leave_funcs, "leave", expected_param_count=2, expected_none_return=False, ) @property def _matchers(self) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]: if self.__matchers is None: self.__matchers = _gather_matchers(self) return self.__matchers @_matchers.setter def _matchers(self, value: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]) -> None: self.__matchers = value
[docs] def on_visit(self, node: cst.CSTNode) -> bool: # First, evaluate any matchers that we have which we are not inside already. self._matchers = _visit_matchers(self._matchers, node, self) # Now, call any visitors that were hooked using a visit decorator. _visit_constructed_funcs(self._extra_visit_funcs, self._matchers, node, self) # Now, evaluate whether this current function has any matchers it requires. if not _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}", None) ): # We shouldn't visit this directly. However, we should continue # visiting its children. return True # Either the visit_func doesn't exist, we have no matchers, or we passed all # matchers. In either case, just call the superclass behavior. return CSTTransformer.on_visit(self, node)
[docs] def on_leave( self, original_node: CSTNodeT, updated_node: CSTNodeT ) -> Union[CSTNodeT, cst.RemovalSentinel]: # First, evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}", None) ): retval = CSTTransformer.on_leave(self, original_node, updated_node) else: retval = updated_node # Now, call any visitors that were hooked using a leave decorator. for matcher, leave_funcs in reversed(list(self._extra_leave_funcs.items())): if not self.matches(original_node, matcher): continue for leave_func in leave_funcs: if _should_allow_visit(self._matchers, leave_func) and isinstance( retval, cst.CSTNode ): retval = leave_func(original_node, retval) # Now, see if we have any matchers we should deactivate. self._matchers = _leave_matchers(self._matchers, original_node) # pyre-ignore The return value of on_leave is subtly wrong in that we can # actually return any value that passes this node's parent's constructor # validation. Fixing this is beyond the scope of this file, and would involve # forcing a lot of ensure_type() checks across the codebase. return retval
[docs] def on_visit_attribute(self, node: cst.CSTNode, attribute: str) -> None: # Evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}_{attribute}", None), ): # Either the visit_func doesn't exist, we have no matchers, or we passed all # matchers. In either case, just call the superclass behavior. return CSTTransformer.on_visit_attribute(self, node, attribute)
[docs] def on_leave_attribute(self, original_node: cst.CSTNode, attribute: str) -> None: # Evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}_{attribute}", None), ): # Either the visit_func doesn't exist, we have no matchers, or we passed all # matchers. In either case, just call the superclass behavior. CSTTransformer.on_leave_attribute(self, original_node, attribute)
[docs] def matches( self, node: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: BaseMatcherNode, ) -> bool: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` as it is identical to this function. """ return matches(node, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def findall( self, tree: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: Union[ BaseMatcherNode, MatchIfTrue[cst.CSTNode], MatchMetadata, MatchMetadataIfTrue, ], ) -> Sequence[cst.CSTNode]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.findall` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.findall` as it is identical to this function. """ return findall(tree, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def extract( self, node: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: BaseMatcherNode, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[cst.CSTNode, Sequence[cst.CSTNode]]]]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.extract` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.extract` as it is identical to this function. """ return extract(node, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def extractall( self, tree: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: Union[ BaseMatcherNode, MatchIfTrue[cst.CSTNode], MatchMetadata, MatchMetadataIfTrue, ], ) -> Sequence[Dict[str, Union[cst.CSTNode, Sequence[cst.CSTNode]]]]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.extractall` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.extractall` as it is identical to this function. """ return extractall(tree, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def replace( self, tree: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: Union[ BaseMatcherNode, MatchIfTrue[cst.CSTNode], MatchMetadata, MatchMetadataIfTrue, ], replacement: Union[ cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode, Callable[ [cst.CSTNode, Dict[str, Union[cst.CSTNode, Sequence[cst.CSTNode]]]], Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], ], ], ) -> Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.replace` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.replace` as it is identical to this function. """ return replace(tree, matcher, replacement, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] class MatcherDecoratableVisitor(CSTVisitor): """ This class provides all of the features of a :class:`libcst.CSTVisitor`, and additionally supports various decorators to control when methods get called when traversing a tree. Use this instead of a :class:`libcst.CSTVisitor` if you wish to do more powerful decorator-based visiting. """ def __init__(self) -> None: CSTVisitor.__init__(self) self.__matchers: Optional[Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]] = None # Mapping of matchers to functions. If in the course of visiting the tree, # a node matches one of these matchers, the corresponding function will be # called as if it was a visit_* method. self._extra_visit_funcs: Dict[ BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]] ] = _gather_constructed_visit_funcs(self) # Mapping of matchers to functions. If in the course of leaving the tree, # a node matches one of these matchers, the corresponding function will be # called as if it was a leave_* method. self._extra_leave_funcs: Dict[ BaseMatcherNode, Sequence[Callable[[cst.CSTNode], None]] ] = _gather_constructed_leave_funcs(self) # Make sure visit/leave functions constructed with @visit and @leave decorators # have correct type annotations. _check_types( self._extra_visit_funcs, "visit", expected_param_count=1, expected_none_return=True, ) _check_types( self._extra_leave_funcs, "leave", expected_param_count=1, expected_none_return=True, ) @property def _matchers(self) -> Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]: if self.__matchers is None: self.__matchers = _gather_matchers(self) return self.__matchers @_matchers.setter def _matchers(self, value: Dict[BaseMatcherNode, Optional[cst.CSTNode]]) -> None: self.__matchers = value
[docs] def on_visit(self, node: cst.CSTNode) -> bool: # First, evaluate any matchers that we have which we are not inside already. self._matchers = _visit_matchers(self._matchers, node, self) # Now, call any visitors that were hooked using a visit decorator. _visit_constructed_funcs(self._extra_visit_funcs, self._matchers, node, self) # Now, evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if not _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}", None) ): # We shouldn't visit this directly. However, we should continue # visiting its children. return True # Either the visit_func doesn't exist, we have no matchers, or we passed all # matchers. In either case, just call the superclass behavior. return CSTVisitor.on_visit(self, node)
[docs] def on_leave(self, original_node: cst.CSTNode) -> None: # First, evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}", None) ): CSTVisitor.on_leave(self, original_node) # Now, call any visitors that were hooked using a leave decorator. for matcher, leave_funcs in reversed(list(self._extra_leave_funcs.items())): if not self.matches(original_node, matcher): continue for leave_func in leave_funcs: if _should_allow_visit(self._matchers, leave_func): leave_func(original_node) # Now, see if we have any matchers we should deactivate. self._matchers = _leave_matchers(self._matchers, original_node)
[docs] def on_visit_attribute(self, node: cst.CSTNode, attribute: str) -> None: # Evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"visit_{type(node).__name__}_{attribute}", None), ): # Either the visit_func doesn't exist, we have no matchers, or we passed all # matchers. In either case, just call the superclass behavior. return CSTVisitor.on_visit_attribute(self, node, attribute)
[docs] def on_leave_attribute(self, original_node: cst.CSTNode, attribute: str) -> None: # Evaluate whether this current function has a decorator on it. if _should_allow_visit( self._matchers, getattr(self, f"leave_{type(original_node).__name__}_{attribute}", None), ): # Either the visit_func doesn't exist, we have no matchers, or we passed all # matchers. In either case, just call the superclass behavior. CSTVisitor.on_leave_attribute(self, original_node, attribute)
[docs] def matches( self, node: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: BaseMatcherNode, ) -> bool: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.matches` as it is identical to this function. """ return matches(node, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def findall( self, tree: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: Union[ BaseMatcherNode, MatchIfTrue[cst.CSTNode], MatchMetadata, MatchMetadataIfTrue, ], ) -> Sequence[cst.CSTNode]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.findall` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.findall` as it is identical to this function. """ return findall(tree, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def extract( self, node: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: BaseMatcherNode, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[cst.CSTNode, Sequence[cst.CSTNode]]]]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.extract` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.extract` as it is identical to this function. """ return extract(node, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def extractall( self, tree: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: Union[ BaseMatcherNode, MatchIfTrue[cst.CSTNode], MatchMetadata, MatchMetadataIfTrue, ], ) -> Sequence[Dict[str, Union[cst.CSTNode, Sequence[cst.CSTNode]]]]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.extractall` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.extractall` as it is identical to this function. """ return extractall(tree, matcher, metadata_resolver=self)
[docs] def replace( self, tree: Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], matcher: Union[ BaseMatcherNode, MatchIfTrue[cst.CSTNode], MatchMetadata, MatchMetadataIfTrue, ], replacement: Union[ cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode, Callable[ [cst.CSTNode, Dict[str, Union[cst.CSTNode, Sequence[cst.CSTNode]]]], Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode], ], ], ) -> Union[cst.MaybeSentinel, cst.RemovalSentinel, cst.CSTNode]: """ A convenience method to call :func:`~libcst.matchers.replace` without requiring an explicit parameter for metadata. Since our instance is an instance of :class:`libcst.MetadataDependent`, we work as a metadata resolver. Please see documentation for :func:`~libcst.matchers.replace` as it is identical to this function. """ return replace(tree, matcher, replacement, metadata_resolver=self)