Source code for libcst.codemod.visitors._gather_exports

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from typing import Set, Union

import libcst as cst
import libcst.matchers as m
from libcst.codemod._context import CodemodContext
from libcst.codemod._visitor import ContextAwareVisitor
from libcst.helpers import get_full_name_for_node

[docs] class GatherExportsVisitor(ContextAwareVisitor): """ Gathers all explicit exports in a module and stores them as attributes on the instance. Intended to be instantiated and passed to a :class:`~libcst.Module` :meth:`~libcst.CSTNode.visit` method in order to gather up information about exports specified in an ``__all__`` variable inside a module. After visiting a module the following attributes will be populated: explicit_exported_objects A sequence of strings representing objects that the module exports directly. Note that when ``__all__`` is absent, this attribute does not store default exported objects by name. For more information on ``__all__``, please see Python's `Modules Documentation <>`_. """ def __init__(self, context: CodemodContext) -> None: super().__init__(context) # Track any re-exported objects in an __all__ reference and whether # they're defined or not self.explicit_exported_objects: Set[str] = set() # Presumably at some point in the future it would be useful to grab # a list of all implicitly exported objects. That would go here as # well and would follow Python's rule for importing objects that # do not start with an underscore. Because of that, I named the above # `explicit_exported_objects` instead of just `exported_objects` so # that we have a reasonable place to put implicit objects in the future. # Internal bookkeeping self._is_assigned_export: Set[Union[cst.Tuple, cst.List, cst.Set]] = set() self._in_assigned_export: Set[Union[cst.Tuple, cst.List, cst.Set]] = set() def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: cst.AnnAssign) -> bool: value = node.value if value: if self._handle_assign_target(, value): return True return False def visit_AugAssign(self, node: cst.AugAssign) -> bool: if m.matches( node, m.AugAssign( target=m.Name("__all__"), operator=m.AddAssign(), value=m.List() | m.Tuple(), ), ): value = node.value if isinstance(value, (cst.List, cst.Tuple)): self._is_assigned_export.add(value) return True return False def visit_Assign(self, node: cst.Assign) -> bool: for target_node in node.targets: if self._handle_assign_target(, node.value): return True return False def _handle_assign_target( self, target: cst.BaseExpression, value: cst.BaseExpression ) -> bool: target_name = get_full_name_for_node(target) if target_name == "__all__": # Assignments such as `__all__ = ["os"]` # or `__all__ = exports = ["os"]` if isinstance(value, (cst.List, cst.Tuple, cst.Set)): self._is_assigned_export.add(value) return True elif isinstance(target, cst.Tuple) and isinstance(value, cst.Tuple): # Assignments such as `__all__, x = ["os"], []` for element_idx, element_node in enumerate(target.elements): element_name = get_full_name_for_node(element_node.value) if element_name == "__all__": element_value = value.elements[element_idx].value if isinstance(element_value, (cst.List, cst.Tuple, cst.Set)): self._is_assigned_export.add(value) self._is_assigned_export.add(element_value) return True return False def visit_List(self, node: cst.List) -> bool: if node in self._is_assigned_export: self._in_assigned_export.add(node) return True return False def leave_List(self, original_node: cst.List) -> None: self._is_assigned_export.discard(original_node) self._in_assigned_export.discard(original_node) def visit_Tuple(self, node: cst.Tuple) -> bool: if node in self._is_assigned_export: self._in_assigned_export.add(node) return True return False def leave_Tuple(self, original_node: cst.Tuple) -> None: self._is_assigned_export.discard(original_node) self._in_assigned_export.discard(original_node) def visit_Set(self, node: cst.Set) -> bool: if node in self._is_assigned_export: self._in_assigned_export.add(node) return True return False def leave_Set(self, original_node: cst.Set) -> None: self._is_assigned_export.discard(original_node) self._in_assigned_export.discard(original_node) def visit_SimpleString(self, node: cst.SimpleString) -> bool: self._handle_string_export(node) return False def visit_ConcatenatedString(self, node: cst.ConcatenatedString) -> bool: self._handle_string_export(node) return False def _handle_string_export( self, node: Union[cst.SimpleString, cst.ConcatenatedString] ) -> None: if self._in_assigned_export: name = node.evaluated_value if not isinstance(name, str): return self.explicit_exported_objects.add(name)