Source code for libcst.metadata.type_inference_provider

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import json
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypedDict

import libcst as cst
from libcst._position import CodePosition, CodeRange
from libcst.metadata.base_provider import BatchableMetadataProvider
from libcst.metadata.position_provider import PositionProvider

class Position(TypedDict):
    line: int
    column: int

class Location(TypedDict):
    path: str
    start: Position
    stop: Position

class InferredType(TypedDict):
    location: Location
    annotation: str

class PyreData(TypedDict, total=False):
    types: Sequence[InferredType]

[docs] class TypeInferenceProvider(BatchableMetadataProvider[str]): """ Access inferred type annotation through `Pyre Query API <>`_. It requires `setup watchman <>`_ and start pyre server by running ``pyre`` command. The inferred type is a string of `type annotation <>`_. E.g. ``typing.List[libcst._nodes.expression.Name]`` is the inferred type of name ``n`` in expression ``n = [cst.Name("")]``. All name references use the fully qualified name regardless how the names are imported. (e.g. ``import libcst; libcst.Name`` and ``import libcst as cst; cst.Name`` refer to the same name.) Pyre infers the type of :class:`~libcst.Name`, :class:`~libcst.Attribute` and :class:`~libcst.Call` nodes. The inter process communication to Pyre server is managed by :class:`~libcst.metadata.FullRepoManager`. """ METADATA_DEPENDENCIES = (PositionProvider,)
[docs] @staticmethod # pyre-fixme[40]: Static method `gen_cache` cannot override a non-static method # defined in `cst.metadata.base_provider.BaseMetadataProvider`. def gen_cache( root_path: Path, paths: List[str], timeout: Optional[int] ) -> Mapping[str, object]: params = ",".join(f"path='{root_path / path}'" for path in paths) cmd_args = ["pyre", "--noninteractive", "query", f"types({params})"] try: stdout, stderr, return_code = run_command(cmd_args, timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as exc: raise exc if return_code != 0: raise Exception(f"stderr:\n {stderr}\nstdout:\n {stdout}") try: resp = json.loads(stdout)["response"] except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"{e}\n\nstderr:\n {stderr}\nstdout:\n {stdout}") return {path: _process_pyre_data(data) for path, data in zip(paths, resp)}
def __init__(self, cache: PyreData) -> None: super().__init__(cache) lookup: Dict[CodeRange, str] = {} cache_types = cache.get("types", []) for item in cache_types: location = item["location"] start = location["start"] end = location["stop"] lookup[ CodeRange( start=CodePosition(start["line"], start["column"]), end=CodePosition(end["line"], end["column"]), ) ] = item["annotation"] self.lookup: Dict[CodeRange, str] = lookup def _parse_metadata(self, node: cst.CSTNode) -> None: range = self.get_metadata(PositionProvider, node) if range in self.lookup: self.set_metadata(node, self.lookup.pop(range)) def visit_Name(self, node: cst.Name) -> Optional[bool]: self._parse_metadata(node) def visit_Attribute(self, node: cst.Attribute) -> Optional[bool]: self._parse_metadata(node) def visit_Call(self, node: cst.Call) -> Optional[bool]: self._parse_metadata(node)
def run_command( cmd_args: List[str], timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str, int]: process =, capture_output=True, timeout=timeout) return process.stdout.decode(), process.stderr.decode(), process.returncode class RawPyreData(TypedDict): path: str types: Sequence[InferredType] def _process_pyre_data(data: RawPyreData) -> PyreData: return {"types": sorted(data["types"], key=_sort_by_position)} def _sort_by_position(data: InferredType) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: start = data["location"]["start"] stop = data["location"]["stop"] return start["line"], start["column"], stop["line"], stop["column"]