Source code for libcst.codemod.visitors._apply_type_annotations

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import libcst as cst
import libcst.matchers as m

from libcst.codemod._context import CodemodContext
from libcst.codemod._visitor import ContextAwareTransformer
from libcst.codemod.visitors._add_imports import AddImportsVisitor
from libcst.codemod.visitors._gather_global_names import GatherGlobalNamesVisitor
from libcst.codemod.visitors._gather_imports import GatherImportsVisitor
from libcst.codemod.visitors._imports import ImportItem
from libcst.helpers import get_full_name_for_node
from libcst.metadata import PositionProvider, QualifiedNameProvider

NameOrAttribute = Union[cst.Name, cst.Attribute]
NAME_OR_ATTRIBUTE = (cst.Name, cst.Attribute)
# Union type for *args and **args
StarParamType = Union[

def _module_and_target(qualified_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    relative_prefix = ""
    while qualified_name.startswith("."):
        relative_prefix += "."
        qualified_name = qualified_name[1:]
    split = qualified_name.rsplit(".", 1)
    if len(split) == 1:
        qualifier, target = "", split[0]
        qualifier, target = split
    return (relative_prefix + qualifier, target)

def _get_unique_qualified_name(
    visitor: m.MatcherDecoratableVisitor, node: cst.CSTNode
) -> str:
    name = None
    names = [ for q in visitor.get_metadata(QualifiedNameProvider, node)]
    if len(names) == 0:
        # we hit this branch if the stub is directly using a fully
        # qualified name, which is not technically valid python but is
        # convenient to allow.
        name = get_full_name_for_node(node)
    elif len(names) == 1 and isinstance(names[0], str):
        name = names[0]
    if name is None:
        start = visitor.get_metadata(PositionProvider, node).start
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not resolve a unique qualified name for type "
            + f"{get_full_name_for_node(node)} at {start.line}:{start.column}. "
            + f"Candidate names were: {names!r}"
    return name

def _get_import_alias_names(
    import_aliases: Sequence[cst.ImportAlias],
) -> Set[str]:
    import_names = set()
    for imported_name in import_aliases:
        asname = imported_name.asname
        if asname is not None:
    return import_names

def _get_imported_names(
    imports: Sequence[Union[cst.Import, cst.ImportFrom]],
) -> Set[str]:
    Given a series of import statements (both Import and ImportFrom),
    determine all of the names that have been imported into the current
    scope. For example:
    - ``import as bar, foo.baz`` produces ``{'bar', 'foo.baz'}``
    - ``from foo import (Bar, Baz as B)`` produces ``{'Bar', 'B'}``
    - ``from foo import *`` produces ``set()` because we cannot resolve names
    import_names = set()
    for _import in imports:
        if isinstance(_import, cst.Import):
            names = _import.names
            if not isinstance(names, cst.ImportStar):
    return import_names

def _is_non_sentinel(
    x: Union[None, cst.CSTNode, cst.MaybeSentinel],
) -> bool:
    return x is not None and x != cst.MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT

def _get_string_value(
    node: cst.SimpleString,
) -> str:
    s = node.value
    c = s[-1]
    return s[s.index(c) : -1]

def _find_generic_base(
    node: cst.ClassDef,
) -> Optional[cst.Arg]:
    for b in node.bases:
        if m.matches(b.value, m.Subscript(value=m.Name("Generic"))):
            return b

class FunctionKey:
    Class representing a funciton name and signature.

    This exists to ensure we do not attempt to apply stubs to functions whose
    definition is incompatible.

    name: str
    pos: int
    kwonly: str
    posonly: int
    star_arg: bool
    star_kwarg: bool

    def make(
        name: str,
        params: cst.Parameters,
    ) -> "FunctionKey":
        pos = len(params.params)
        kwonly = ",".join(sorted( for x in params.kwonly_params))
        posonly = len(params.posonly_params)
        star_arg = _is_non_sentinel(params.star_arg)
        star_kwarg = _is_non_sentinel(params.star_kwarg)
        return cls(

class FunctionAnnotation:
    parameters: cst.Parameters
    returns: Optional[cst.Annotation]

class Annotations:
    Represents all of the annotation information we might add to
    a class:
    - All data is keyed on the qualified name relative to the module root
    - The ``functions`` field also keys on the signature so that we
      do not apply stub types where the signature is incompatible.

    The idea is that
    - ``functions`` contains all function and method type
      information from the stub, and the qualifier for a method includes
      the containing class names (e.g. "Cat.meow")
    - ``attributes`` similarly contains all globals
      and class-level attribute type information.
    - The ``class_definitions`` field contains all of the classes
      defined in the stub. Most of these classes will be ignored in
      downstream logic (it is *not* used to annotate attributes or
      method), but there are some cases like TypedDict where a
      typing-only class needs to be injected.
    - The field ``typevars`` contains the assign statement for all
      type variables in the stub, and ``names`` tracks
      all of the names used in annotations; together these fields
      tell us which typevars should be included in the codemod
      (all typevars that appear in annotations.)

    # TODO: consider simplifying this in a few ways:
    # - We could probably just inject all typevars, used or not.
    #   It doesn't seem to me that our codemod needs to act like
    #   a linter checking for unused names.
    # - We could probably decide which classes are typing-only
    #   in the visitor rather than the codemod, which would make
    #   it easier to reason locally about (and document) how the
    #   class_definitions field works.

    functions: Dict[FunctionKey, FunctionAnnotation]
    attributes: Dict[str, cst.Annotation]
    class_definitions: Dict[str, cst.ClassDef]
    typevars: Dict[str, cst.Assign]
    names: Set[str]

    def empty(cls) -> "Annotations":
        return Annotations({}, {}, {}, {}, set())

    def update(self, other: "Annotations") -> None:

    def finish(self) -> None:
        self.typevars = {k: v for k, v in self.typevars.items() if k in self.names}

class ImportedSymbol:
    """Import of foo.Bar, where both foo and Bar are potentially aliases."""

    module_name: str
    module_alias: Optional[str] = None
    target_name: Optional[str] = None
    target_alias: Optional[str] = None

    def symbol(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self.target_alias or self.target_name

    def module_symbol(self) -> str:
        return self.module_alias or self.module_name

class ImportedSymbolCollector(m.MatcherDecoratableVisitor):
    Collect imported symbols from a stub module.


    def __init__(self, existing_imports: Set[str], context: CodemodContext) -> None:
        self.existing_imports: Set[str] = existing_imports
        self.imported_symbols: Dict[str, Set[ImportedSymbol]] = defaultdict(set)
        self.in_annotation: bool = False

    def visit_Annotation(self, node: cst.Annotation) -> None:
        self.in_annotation = True

    def leave_Annotation(self, original_node: cst.Annotation) -> None:
        self.in_annotation = False

    def visit_ClassDef(self, node: cst.ClassDef) -> None:
        for base in node.bases:
            value = base.value
            if isinstance(value, NAME_OR_ATTRIBUTE):

    def visit_Name(self, node: cst.Name) -> None:
        if self.in_annotation:

    def visit_Attribute(self, node: cst.Attribute) -> None:
        if self.in_annotation:

    def visit_Subscript(self, node: cst.Subscript) -> bool:
        if isinstance(node.value, NAME_OR_ATTRIBUTE):
            return True
        return _get_unique_qualified_name(self, node) not in ("Type", "typing.Type")

    def _handle_NameOrAttribute(
        node: NameOrAttribute,
    ) -> None:
        # Adds the qualified name to the list of imported symbols
        obj = sym = None  # keep pyre happy
        if isinstance(node, cst.Name):
            obj = None
            sym = node.value
        elif isinstance(node, cst.Attribute):
            obj = node.value.value  # pyre-ignore[16]
            sym = node.attr.value
        qualified_name = _get_unique_qualified_name(self, node)
        module, target = _module_and_target(qualified_name)
        if module in ("", "builtins"):
        elif qualified_name not in self.existing_imports:
            mod = ImportedSymbol(
                module_alias=obj if obj != module else None,
                target_alias=sym if sym != target else None,

class TypeCollector(m.MatcherDecoratableVisitor):
    Collect type annotations from a stub module.


    annotations: Annotations

    def __init__(
        existing_imports: Set[str],
        module_imports: Dict[str, ImportItem],
        context: CodemodContext,
    ) -> None:
        self.context = context
        # Existing imports, determined by looking at the target module.
        # Used to help us determine when a type in a stub will require new imports.
        # The contents of this are fully-qualified names of types in scope
        # as well as module names, although downstream we effectively ignore
        # the module names as of the current implementation.
        self.existing_imports: Set[str] = existing_imports
        # Module imports, gathered by prescanning the stub file to determine
        # which modules need to be imported directly to qualify their symbols.
        self.module_imports: Dict[str, ImportItem] = module_imports
        # Fields that help us track temporary state as we recurse
        self.qualifier: List[str] = []
        self.current_assign: Optional[cst.Assign] = None  # used to collect typevars
        # Store the annotations.
        self.annotations = Annotations.empty()

    def visit_ClassDef(
        node: cst.ClassDef,
    ) -> None:
        new_bases = []
        for base in node.bases:
            value = base.value
            if isinstance(value, NAME_OR_ATTRIBUTE):
                new_value = value.visit(_TypeCollectorDequalifier(self))
            elif isinstance(value, cst.Subscript):
                new_value = value.visit(_TypeCollectorDequalifier(self))
                start = self.get_metadata(PositionProvider, node).start
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid type used as base class in stub file at "
                    + f"{start.line}:{start.column}. Only subscripts, names, and "
                    + "attributes are valid base classes for static typing."

        self.annotations.class_definitions[] = node.with_changes(

    def leave_ClassDef(
        original_node: cst.ClassDef,
    ) -> None:

    def visit_FunctionDef(
        node: cst.FunctionDef,
    ) -> bool:
        returns = node.returns
        return_annotation = (
            if returns is not None
            else None
        assert return_annotation is None or isinstance(
            return_annotation, cst.Annotation
        parameter_annotations = self._handle_Parameters(node.params)
        name = ".".join(self.qualifier)
        key = FunctionKey.make(name, node.params)
        self.annotations.functions[key] = FunctionAnnotation(
            parameters=parameter_annotations, returns=return_annotation

        # pyi files don't support inner functions, return False to stop the traversal.
        return False

    def leave_FunctionDef(
        original_node: cst.FunctionDef,
    ) -> None:

    def visit_AnnAssign(
        node: cst.AnnAssign,
    ) -> bool:
        name = get_full_name_for_node(
        if name is not None:
        annotation_value = node.annotation.visit(_TypeCollectorDequalifier(self))
        assert isinstance(annotation_value, cst.Annotation)
        self.annotations.attributes[".".join(self.qualifier)] = annotation_value
        return True

    def leave_AnnAssign(
        original_node: cst.AnnAssign,
    ) -> None:

    def visit_Assign(
        node: cst.Assign,
    ) -> None:
        self.current_assign = node

    def leave_Assign(
        original_node: cst.Assign,
    ) -> None:
        self.current_assign = None

    def record_typevar(
        node: cst.Call,
    ) -> None:
        # pyre-ignore current_assign is never None here
        name = get_full_name_for_node(self.current_assign.targets[0].target)
        if name is not None:
            # pyre-ignore current_assign is never None here
            self.annotations.typevars[name] = self.current_assign
            self.current_assign = None

    def leave_Module(
        original_node: cst.Module,
    ) -> None:

    def _module_and_target(
        qualified_name: str,
    ) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        relative_prefix = ""
        while qualified_name.startswith("."):
            relative_prefix += "."
            qualified_name = qualified_name[1:]
        split = qualified_name.rsplit(".", 1)
        if len(split) == 1:
            qualifier, target = "", split[0]
            qualifier, target = split
        return (relative_prefix + qualifier, target)

    def _handle_qualification_and_should_qualify(
        self, qualified_name: str, node: Optional[cst.CSTNode] = None
    ) -> bool:
        Based on a qualified name and the existing module imports, record that
        we need to add an import if necessary and return whether or not we
        should use the qualified name due to a preexisting import.
        module, target = self._module_and_target(qualified_name)
        if module in ("", "builtins"):
            return False
        elif qualified_name not in self.existing_imports:
            if module in self.existing_imports:
                return True
            elif module in self.module_imports:
                m = self.module_imports[module]
                if m.obj_name is None:
                    asname = m.alias
                    asname = None
                    self.context, m.module_name, asname=asname
                return True
                if node and isinstance(node, cst.Name) and node.value != target:
                    asname = node.value
                    asname = None
                return False
        return False

    # Handler functions

    def _handle_Parameters(
        parameters: cst.Parameters,
    ) -> cst.Parameters:
        def update_annotations(
            parameters: Sequence[cst.Param],
        ) -> List[cst.Param]:
            updated_parameters = []
            for parameter in list(parameters):
                annotation = parameter.annotation
                if annotation is not None:
                    parameter = parameter.with_changes(
            return updated_parameters

        return parameters.with_changes(params=update_annotations(parameters.params))

class _TypeCollectorDequalifier(cst.CSTTransformer):
    def __init__(self, type_collector: "TypeCollector") -> None:
        self.type_collector = type_collector

    def leave_Name(self, original_node: cst.Name, updated_node: cst.Name) -> cst.Name:
        qualified_name = _get_unique_qualified_name(self.type_collector, original_node)
        should_qualify = self.type_collector._handle_qualification_and_should_qualify(
            qualified_name, original_node
        if should_qualify:
            qualified_node = cst.parse_module(qualified_name)
            return qualified_node  # pyre-ignore[7]
            return original_node

    def visit_Attribute(self, node: cst.Attribute) -> bool:
        return False

    def leave_Attribute(
        self, original_node: cst.Attribute, updated_node: cst.Attribute
    ) -> cst.BaseExpression:
        qualified_name = _get_unique_qualified_name(self.type_collector, original_node)
        should_qualify = self.type_collector._handle_qualification_and_should_qualify(
            qualified_name, original_node
        if should_qualify:
            return original_node
            return original_node.attr

    def leave_Index(
        self, original_node: cst.Index, updated_node: cst.Index
    ) -> cst.Index:
        if isinstance(original_node.value, cst.SimpleString):
        return updated_node

    def visit_Subscript(self, node: cst.Subscript) -> bool:
        return _get_unique_qualified_name(self.type_collector, node) not in (

    def leave_Subscript(
        self, original_node: cst.Subscript, updated_node: cst.Subscript
    ) -> cst.Subscript:
        if _get_unique_qualified_name(self.type_collector, original_node) in (
            # Note: we are intentionally not handling qualification of
            # anything inside `Type` because it's common to have nested
            # classes, which we cannot currently distinguish from classes
            # coming from other modules, appear here.
            return original_node.with_changes(value=original_node.value.visit(self))
        return updated_node

class AnnotationCounts:
    global_annotations: int = 0
    attribute_annotations: int = 0
    parameter_annotations: int = 0
    return_annotations: int = 0
    classes_added: int = 0
    typevars_and_generics_added: int = 0

    def any_changes_applied(self) -> bool:
        return (
            + self.attribute_annotations
            + self.parameter_annotations
            + self.return_annotations
            + self.classes_added
            + self.typevars_and_generics_added
        ) > 0

[docs] class ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor(ContextAwareTransformer): """ Apply type annotations to a source module using the given stub mdules. You can also pass in explicit annotations for functions and attributes and pass in new class definitions that need to be added to the source module. This is one of the transforms that is available automatically to you when running a codemod. To use it in this manner, import :class:`~libcst.codemod.visitors.ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor` and then call the static :meth:`~libcst.codemod.visitors.ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor.store_stub_in_context` method, giving it the current context (found as ``self.context`` for all subclasses of :class:`~libcst.codemod.Codemod`), the stub module from which you wish to add annotations. For example, you can store the type annotation ``int`` for ``x`` using:: stub_module = parse_module("x: int = ...") ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor.store_stub_in_context(self.context, stub_module) You can apply the type annotation using:: source_module = parse_module("x = 1") ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor.transform_module(source_module) This will produce the following code:: x: int = 1 If the function or attribute already has a type annotation, it will not be overwritten. To overwrite existing annotations when applying annotations from a stub, use the keyword argument ``overwrite_existing_annotations=True`` when constructing the codemod or when calling ``store_stub_in_context``. """ CONTEXT_KEY = "ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor" def __init__( self, context: CodemodContext, annotations: Optional[Annotations] = None, overwrite_existing_annotations: bool = False, use_future_annotations: bool = False, strict_posargs_matching: bool = True, strict_annotation_matching: bool = False, always_qualify_annotations: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(context) # Qualifier for storing the canonical name of the current function. self.qualifier: List[str] = [] self.annotations: Annotations = ( Annotations.empty() if annotations is None else annotations ) self.toplevel_annotations: Dict[str, cst.Annotation] = {} self.visited_classes: Set[str] = set() self.overwrite_existing_annotations = overwrite_existing_annotations self.use_future_annotations = use_future_annotations self.strict_posargs_matching = strict_posargs_matching self.strict_annotation_matching = strict_annotation_matching self.always_qualify_annotations = always_qualify_annotations # We use this to determine the end of the import block so that we can # insert top-level annotations. self.import_statements: List[cst.ImportFrom] = [] # We use this to report annotations added, as well as to determine # whether to abandon the codemod in edge cases where we may have # only made changes to the imports. self.annotation_counts: AnnotationCounts = AnnotationCounts() # We use this to collect typevars, to avoid importing existing ones from the pyi file self.current_assign: Optional[cst.Assign] = None self.typevars: Dict[str, cst.Assign] = {} # Global variables and classes defined on the toplevel of the target module. # Used to help determine which names we need to check are in scope, and add # quotations to avoid undefined forward references in type annotations. self.global_names: Set[str] = set() # We use this to avoid annotating multiple assignments to the same # symbol in a given scope self.already_annotated: Set[str] = set()
[docs] @staticmethod def store_stub_in_context( context: CodemodContext, stub: cst.Module, overwrite_existing_annotations: bool = False, use_future_annotations: bool = False, strict_posargs_matching: bool = True, strict_annotation_matching: bool = False, always_qualify_annotations: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Store a stub module in the :class:`~libcst.codemod.CodemodContext` so that type annotations from the stub can be applied in a later invocation of this class. If the ``overwrite_existing_annotations`` flag is ``True``, the codemod will overwrite any existing annotations. If you call this function multiple times, only the last values of ``stub`` and ``overwrite_existing_annotations`` will take effect. """ context.scratch[ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor.CONTEXT_KEY] = ( stub, overwrite_existing_annotations, use_future_annotations, strict_posargs_matching, strict_annotation_matching, always_qualify_annotations, )
[docs] def transform_module_impl( self, tree: cst.Module, ) -> cst.Module: """ Collect type annotations from all stubs and apply them to ``tree``. Gather existing imports from ``tree`` so that we don't add duplicate imports. Gather global names from ``tree`` so forward references are quoted. """ import_gatherer = GatherImportsVisitor(CodemodContext()) tree.visit(import_gatherer) existing_import_names = _get_imported_names(import_gatherer.all_imports) global_names_gatherer = GatherGlobalNamesVisitor(CodemodContext()) tree.visit(global_names_gatherer) self.global_names = global_names_gatherer.global_names.union( global_names_gatherer.class_names ) context_contents = self.context.scratch.get( ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor.CONTEXT_KEY ) if context_contents is not None: ( stub, overwrite_existing_annotations, use_future_annotations, strict_posargs_matching, strict_annotation_matching, always_qualify_annotations, ) = context_contents self.overwrite_existing_annotations = ( self.overwrite_existing_annotations or overwrite_existing_annotations ) self.use_future_annotations = ( self.use_future_annotations or use_future_annotations ) self.strict_posargs_matching = ( self.strict_posargs_matching and strict_posargs_matching ) self.strict_annotation_matching = ( self.strict_annotation_matching or strict_annotation_matching ) self.always_qualify_annotations = ( self.always_qualify_annotations or always_qualify_annotations ) module_imports = self._get_module_imports(stub, import_gatherer) visitor = TypeCollector(existing_import_names, module_imports, self.context) cst.MetadataWrapper(stub).visit(visitor) self.annotations.update(visitor.annotations) if self.use_future_annotations: AddImportsVisitor.add_needed_import( self.context, "__future__", "annotations" ) tree_with_imports = AddImportsVisitor(self.context).transform_module(tree) tree_with_changes = tree_with_imports.visit(self) # don't modify the imports if we didn't actually add any type information if self.annotation_counts.any_changes_applied(): return tree_with_changes else: return tree
# helpers for collecting type information from the stub files def _get_module_imports( # noqa: C901: too complex self, stub: cst.Module, existing_import_gatherer: GatherImportsVisitor ) -> Dict[str, ImportItem]: """Returns a dict of modules that need to be imported to qualify symbols.""" # We correlate all imported symbols, e.g., with a list of module # and from imports. If the same unqualified symbol is used from different # modules, we give preference to an explicit from-import if any, and qualify # everything else by importing the module. # # e.g. the following stub: # import foo as quux # from bar import Baz as X # def f(x: X) -> quux.X: ... # will return {'foo': ImportItem("foo", "quux")}. When the apply type # annotation visitor hits `quux.X` it will retrieve the canonical name # `foo.X` and then note that `foo` is in the module imports map, so it will # leave the symbol qualified. import_gatherer = GatherImportsVisitor(CodemodContext()) stub.visit(import_gatherer) symbol_map = import_gatherer.symbol_mapping existing_import_names = _get_imported_names( existing_import_gatherer.all_imports ) symbol_collector = ImportedSymbolCollector(existing_import_names, self.context) cst.MetadataWrapper(stub).visit(symbol_collector) module_imports = {} for sym, imported_symbols in symbol_collector.imported_symbols.items(): existing = existing_import_gatherer.symbol_mapping.get(sym) if existing and any( s.module_name != existing.module_name for s in imported_symbols ): # If a symbol is imported in the main file, we have to qualify # it when imported from a different module in the stub file. used = True elif len(imported_symbols) == 1 and not self.always_qualify_annotations: # If we have a single use of a new symbol we can from-import it continue else: # There are multiple occurrences in the stub file and none in # the main file. At least one can be from-imported. used = False for imp_sym in imported_symbols: if not imp_sym.symbol: continue imp = symbol_map.get(imp_sym.symbol) if self.always_qualify_annotations and sym not in existing_import_names: # Override 'always qualify' if this is a typing import, or # the main file explicitly from-imports a symbol. if imp and imp.module_name != "typing": module_imports[imp.module_name] = imp else: imp = symbol_map.get(imp_sym.module_symbol) if imp: module_imports[imp.module_name] = imp elif not used and imp and imp.module_name == imp_sym.module_name: # We can only import a symbol directly once. used = True elif sym in existing_import_names: if imp: module_imports[imp.module_name] = imp else: imp = symbol_map.get(imp_sym.module_symbol) if imp: # imp will be None in corner cases like # import as Baz # x: Baz # which is technically valid python but nonsensical as a # type annotation. Dropping it on the floor for now. module_imports[imp.module_name] = imp return module_imports # helpers for processing annotation nodes def _quote_future_annotations(self, annotation: cst.Annotation) -> cst.Annotation: # TODO: We probably want to make sure references to classes defined in the current # module come to us fully qualified - so we can do the dequalification here and # know to look for what is in-scope without also catching builtins like "None" in the # quoting. This should probably also be extended to handle what imports are in scope, # as well as subscriptable types. # Note: We are collecting all imports and passing this to the type collector grabbing # annotations from the stub file; should consolidate import handling somewhere too. node = annotation.annotation if ( isinstance(node, cst.Name) and (node.value in self.global_names) and not (node.value in self.visited_classes) ): return annotation.with_changes( annotation=cst.SimpleString(value=f'"{node.value}"') ) return annotation # smart constructors: all applied annotations happen via one of these def _apply_annotation_to_attribute_or_global( self, name: str, annotation: cst.Annotation, value: Optional[cst.BaseExpression], ) -> cst.AnnAssign: if len(self.qualifier) == 0: self.annotation_counts.global_annotations += 1 else: self.annotation_counts.attribute_annotations += 1 return cst.AnnAssign( cst.Name(name), self._quote_future_annotations(annotation), value, ) def _apply_annotation_to_parameter( self, parameter: cst.Param, annotation: cst.Annotation, ) -> cst.Param: self.annotation_counts.parameter_annotations += 1 return parameter.with_changes( annotation=self._quote_future_annotations(annotation), ) def _apply_annotation_to_return( self, function_def: cst.FunctionDef, annotation: cst.Annotation, ) -> cst.FunctionDef: self.annotation_counts.return_annotations += 1 return function_def.with_changes( returns=self._quote_future_annotations(annotation), ) # private methods used in the visit and leave methods def _qualifier_name(self) -> str: return ".".join(self.qualifier) def _annotate_single_target( self, node: cst.Assign, updated_node: cst.Assign, ) -> Union[cst.Assign, cst.AnnAssign]: only_target = node.targets[0].target if isinstance(only_target, (cst.Tuple, cst.List)): for element in only_target.elements: value = element.value name = get_full_name_for_node(value) if name is not None and name != "_": self._add_to_toplevel_annotations(name) elif isinstance(only_target, (cst.Subscript)): pass else: name = get_full_name_for_node(only_target) if name is not None: self.qualifier.append(name) qualifier_name = self._qualifier_name() if qualifier_name in self.annotations.attributes and not isinstance( only_target, (cst.Attribute, cst.Subscript) ): if qualifier_name not in self.already_annotated: self.already_annotated.add(qualifier_name) annotation = self.annotations.attributes[qualifier_name] self.qualifier.pop() return self._apply_annotation_to_attribute_or_global( name=name, annotation=annotation, value=node.value, ) else: self.qualifier.pop() return updated_node def _split_module( self, module: cst.Module, updated_module: cst.Module, ) -> Tuple[ List[Union[cst.SimpleStatementLine, cst.BaseCompoundStatement]], List[Union[cst.SimpleStatementLine, cst.BaseCompoundStatement]], ]: import_add_location = 0 # This works under the principle that while we might modify node contents, # we have yet to modify the number of statements. So we can match on the # original tree but break up the statements of the modified tree. If we # change this assumption in this visitor, we will have to change this code. for i, statement in enumerate(module.body): if isinstance(statement, cst.SimpleStatementLine): for possible_import in statement.body: for last_import in self.import_statements: if possible_import is last_import: import_add_location = i + 1 break return ( list(updated_module.body[:import_add_location]), list(updated_module.body[import_add_location:]), ) def _add_to_toplevel_annotations( self, name: str, ) -> None: self.qualifier.append(name) if self._qualifier_name() in self.annotations.attributes: annotation = self.annotations.attributes[self._qualifier_name()] self.toplevel_annotations[name] = annotation self.qualifier.pop() def _update_parameters( self, annotations: FunctionAnnotation, updated_node: cst.FunctionDef, ) -> cst.Parameters: # Update params and default params with annotations # Don't override existing annotations or default values unless asked # to overwrite existing annotations. def update_annotation( parameters: Sequence[cst.Param], annotations: Sequence[cst.Param], positional: bool, ) -> List[cst.Param]: parameter_annotations = {} annotated_parameters = [] positional = positional and not self.strict_posargs_matching for i, parameter in enumerate(annotations): key = i if positional else if parameter.annotation: parameter_annotations[key] = parameter.annotation.with_changes( whitespace_before_indicator=cst.SimpleWhitespace(value="") ) for i, parameter in enumerate(parameters): key = i if positional else if key in parameter_annotations and ( self.overwrite_existing_annotations or not parameter.annotation ): parameter = self._apply_annotation_to_parameter( parameter=parameter, annotation=parameter_annotations[key], ) annotated_parameters.append(parameter) return annotated_parameters return updated_node.params.with_changes( params=update_annotation( updated_node.params.params, annotations.parameters.params, positional=True, ), kwonly_params=update_annotation( updated_node.params.kwonly_params, annotations.parameters.kwonly_params, positional=False, ), posonly_params=update_annotation( updated_node.params.posonly_params, annotations.parameters.posonly_params, positional=True, ), ) def _insert_empty_line( self, statements: List[Union[cst.SimpleStatementLine, cst.BaseCompoundStatement]], ) -> List[Union[cst.SimpleStatementLine, cst.BaseCompoundStatement]]: if len(statements) < 1: # No statements, nothing to add to return statements if len(statements[0].leading_lines) == 0: # Statement has no leading lines, add one! return [ statements[0].with_changes(leading_lines=(cst.EmptyLine(),)), *statements[1:], ] if statements[0].leading_lines[0].comment is None: # First line is empty, so its safe to leave as-is return statements # Statement has a comment first line, so lets add one more empty line return [ statements[0].with_changes( leading_lines=(cst.EmptyLine(), *statements[0].leading_lines) ), *statements[1:], ] def _match_signatures( # noqa: C901: Too complex self, function: cst.FunctionDef, annotations: FunctionAnnotation, ) -> bool: """Check that function annotations on both signatures are compatible.""" def compatible( p: Optional[cst.Annotation], q: Optional[cst.Annotation], ) -> bool: if ( self.overwrite_existing_annotations or not _is_non_sentinel(p) or not _is_non_sentinel(q) ): return True if not self.strict_annotation_matching: # We will not overwrite clashing annotations, but the signature as a # whole will be marked compatible so that holes can be filled in. return True return p.annotation.deep_equals(q.annotation) # pyre-ignore[16] def match_posargs( ps: Sequence[cst.Param], qs: Sequence[cst.Param], ) -> bool: if len(ps) != len(qs): return False for p, q in zip(ps, qs): if self.strict_posargs_matching and not == return False if not compatible(p.annotation, q.annotation): return False return True def match_kwargs( ps: Sequence[cst.Param], qs: Sequence[cst.Param], ) -> bool: ps_dict = { x for x in ps} qs_dict = { x for x in qs} if set(ps_dict.keys()) != set(qs_dict.keys()): return False for k in ps_dict.keys(): if not compatible(ps_dict[k].annotation, qs_dict[k].annotation): return False return True def match_star( p: StarParamType, q: StarParamType, ) -> bool: return _is_non_sentinel(p) == _is_non_sentinel(q) def match_params( f: cst.FunctionDef, g: FunctionAnnotation, ) -> bool: p, q = f.params, g.parameters return ( match_posargs(p.params, q.params) and match_posargs(p.posonly_params, q.posonly_params) and match_kwargs(p.kwonly_params, q.kwonly_params) and match_star(p.star_arg, q.star_arg) and match_star(p.star_kwarg, q.star_kwarg) ) def match_return( f: cst.FunctionDef, g: FunctionAnnotation, ) -> bool: return compatible(f.returns, g.returns) return match_params(function, annotations) and match_return( function, annotations ) # transform API methods def visit_ClassDef( self, node: cst.ClassDef, ) -> None: self.qualifier.append( def leave_ClassDef( self, original_node: cst.ClassDef, updated_node: cst.ClassDef, ) -> cst.ClassDef: self.visited_classes.add( cls_name = ".".join(self.qualifier) self.qualifier.pop() definition = self.annotations.class_definitions.get(cls_name) if definition: b1 = _find_generic_base(definition) b2 = _find_generic_base(updated_node) if b1 and not b2: new_bases = list(updated_node.bases) + [b1] self.annotation_counts.typevars_and_generics_added += 1 return updated_node.with_changes(bases=new_bases) return updated_node def visit_FunctionDef( self, node: cst.FunctionDef, ) -> bool: self.qualifier.append( # pyi files don't support inner functions, return False to stop the traversal. return False def leave_FunctionDef( self, original_node: cst.FunctionDef, updated_node: cst.FunctionDef, ) -> cst.FunctionDef: key = FunctionKey.make(self._qualifier_name(), updated_node.params) self.qualifier.pop() if key in self.annotations.functions: function_annotation = self.annotations.functions[key] # Only add new annotation if: # * we have matching function signatures and # * we are explicitly told to overwrite existing annotations or # * there is no existing annotation if not self._match_signatures(updated_node, function_annotation): return updated_node set_return_annotation = ( self.overwrite_existing_annotations or updated_node.returns is None ) if set_return_annotation and function_annotation.returns is not None: updated_node = self._apply_annotation_to_return( function_def=updated_node, annotation=function_annotation.returns, ) # Don't override default values when annotating functions new_parameters = self._update_parameters(function_annotation, updated_node) return updated_node.with_changes(params=new_parameters) return updated_node def visit_Assign( self, node: cst.Assign, ) -> None: self.current_assign = node @m.call_if_inside(m.Assign()) @m.visit(m.Call(func=m.Name("TypeVar"))) def record_typevar( self, node: cst.Call, ) -> None: # pyre-ignore current_assign is never None here name = get_full_name_for_node(self.current_assign.targets[0].target) if name is not None: # Preserve the whole node, even though we currently just use the # name, so that we can match bounds and variance at some point and # determine if two typevars with the same name are indeed the same. # pyre-ignore current_assign is never None here self.typevars[name] = self.current_assign self.current_assign = None def leave_Assign( self, original_node: cst.Assign, updated_node: cst.Assign, ) -> Union[cst.Assign, cst.AnnAssign]: self.current_assign = None if len(original_node.targets) > 1: for assign in original_node.targets: target = if isinstance(target, (cst.Name, cst.Attribute)): name = get_full_name_for_node(target) if name is not None and name != "_": # Add separate top-level annotations for `a = b = 1` # as `a: int` and `b: int`. self._add_to_toplevel_annotations(name) return updated_node else: return self._annotate_single_target(original_node, updated_node) def leave_ImportFrom( self, original_node: cst.ImportFrom, updated_node: cst.ImportFrom, ) -> cst.ImportFrom: self.import_statements.append(original_node) return updated_node def leave_Module( self, original_node: cst.Module, updated_node: cst.Module, ) -> cst.Module: fresh_class_definitions = [ definition for name, definition in self.annotations.class_definitions.items() if name not in self.visited_classes ] # NOTE: The entire change will also be abandoned if # self.annotation_counts is all 0s, so if adding any new category make # sure to record it there. if not ( self.toplevel_annotations or fresh_class_definitions or self.annotations.typevars ): return updated_node toplevel_statements = [] # First, find the insertion point for imports statements_before_imports, statements_after_imports = self._split_module( original_node, updated_node ) # Make sure there's at least one empty line before the first non-import statements_after_imports = self._insert_empty_line(statements_after_imports) for name, annotation in self.toplevel_annotations.items(): annotated_assign = self._apply_annotation_to_attribute_or_global( name=name, annotation=annotation, value=None, ) toplevel_statements.append(cst.SimpleStatementLine([annotated_assign])) # TypeVar definitions could be scattered through the file, so do not # attempt to put new ones with existing ones, just add them at the top. typevars = { k: v for k, v in self.annotations.typevars.items() if k not in self.typevars } if typevars: for var, stmt in typevars.items(): toplevel_statements.append(cst.Newline()) toplevel_statements.append(stmt) self.annotation_counts.typevars_and_generics_added += 1 toplevel_statements.append(cst.Newline()) self.annotation_counts.classes_added = len(fresh_class_definitions) toplevel_statements.extend(fresh_class_definitions) return updated_node.with_changes( body=[ *statements_before_imports, *toplevel_statements, *statements_after_imports, ] )