
LibCST defines a codemod as an automated refactor that can be applied to a codebase of arbitrary size. Codemods are provided as a framework for writing higher-order transforms that consist of other, simpler transforms. It includes provisions for quickly creating a command-line interface to execute a codemod.

Codemod Base

All codemods derive from a common base, Codemod. This class includes a context, automatic metadata resolution and multi-pass transform support. Codemods are intended to be executed using the transform_module() interface.

class libcst.codemod.Codemod[source]

Abstract base class that all codemods must subclass from. Classes wishing to perform arbitrary, non-visitor-based mutations on a tree should subclass from this class directly. Classes wishing to perform visitor-based mutation should instead subclass from ContextAwareTransformer.

Note that a Codemod is a subclass of MetadataDependent, meaning that you can declare metadata dependencies with the METADATA_DEPENDENCIES class property and while you are executing a transform you can call get_metadata() to retrieve the resolved metadata.

should_allow_multiple_passes() bool[source]

Override this and return True to allow your transform to be called repeatedly until the tree doesn’t change between passes. By default, this is off, and should suffice for most transforms.

warn(warning: str) None[source]

Emit a warning that is displayed to the user who has invoked this codemod.

property module: Module

Reference to the currently-traversed module. Note that this is only available during the execution of a codemod. The module reference is particularly handy if you want to use libcst.Module.code_for_node() or libcst.Module.config_for_parsing and don’t wish to track a reference to the top-level module manually.

abstract transform_module_impl(tree: Module) Module[source]

Override this with your transform. You should take in the tree, optionally mutate it and then return the mutated version. The module reference and all calculated metadata are available for the lifetime of this function.

transform_module(tree: Module) Module[source]

Transform entrypoint which handles multi-pass logic and metadata calculation for you. This is the method that you should call if you wish to invoke a codemod directly. This is the method that is called by transform_module().

class libcst.codemod.CodemodContext[source]

A context holding all information that is shared amongst all transforms and visitors in a single codemod invocation. When chaining multiple transforms together, the context holds the state that needs to be passed between transforms. The context is responsible for keeping track of metadata wrappers and the filename of the file that is being modified (if available).

warnings: List[str]

List of warnings gathered while running a codemod. Add to this list by calling warn() method from a class that subclasses from Codemod, ContextAwareTransformer or ContextAwareVisitor.

scratch: Dict[str, Any]

Scratch dictionary available for codemods which are spread across multiple transforms. Codemods are free to add to this at will.

filename: str | None = None

The current filename if a codemod is being executed against a file that lives on disk. Populated by libcst.codemod.parallel_exec_transform_with_prettyprint() when running codemods from the command line.

full_module_name: str | None = None

The current module if a codemod is being executed against a file that lives on disk, and the repository root is correctly configured. This Will take the form of a dotted name such as for a file in the repo named foo/bar/

full_package_name: str | None = None

The current package if a codemod is being executed against a file that lives on disk, and the repository root is correctly configured. This Will take the form of a dotted name such as for a file in the repo named foo/bar/

wrapper: MetadataWrapper | None = None

The current top level metadata wrapper for the module being modified. To access computed metadata when inside an actively running codemod, use the get_metadata() method on Codemod.

metadata_manager: FullRepoManager | None = None

The current repo-level metadata manager for the active codemod.

property module: Module | None

The current top level module being modified. As a convenience, you can use the module property on Codemod to refer to this when inside an actively running codemod.

As a convenience, LibCST-compatible visitors are provided which extend the feature-set of Codemod to LibCST visitors and transforms. Remember that ContextAwareTransformer is still a Codemod, so you should still execute it using transform_module().

class libcst.codemod.ContextAwareTransformer[source]

A transformer which visits using LibCST. Allows visitor-based mutation of a tree. Classes wishing to do arbitrary non-visitor-based mutation on a tree should instead subclass from Codemod and implement transform_module_impl(). This is a subclass of MatcherDecoratableTransformer so all features of matchers as well as CSTTransformer are available to subclasses of this class.

class libcst.codemod.ContextAwareVisitor[source]

A visitor which visits using LibCST. Allows visitor-based collecting of info on a tree. All codemods which wish to implement an information collector should subclass from this instead of directly from MatcherDecoratableVisitor or CSTVisitor since this provides access to the current codemod context. As a result, this class allows access to metadata which was calculated in a parent Codemod through the get_metadata() method.

Note that you cannot directly run a ContextAwareVisitor using transform_module() because visitors by definition do not transform trees. However, you can instantiate a ContextAwareVisitor inside a codemod and pass it to the visit method on any node in order to run information gathering with metadata and context support.

Remember that a ContextAwareVisitor is a subclass of MetadataDependent, meaning that you still need to declare your metadata dependencies with METADATA_DEPENDENCIES before you can retrieve metadata using get_metadata(), even if the parent codemod has listed its own metadata dependencies. Note also that the dependencies listed on this class must be a strict subset of the dependencies listed in the parent codemod.

warn(warning: str) None[source]

Emit a warning that is displayed to the user who has invoked this codemod.

property module: Module

Reference to the currently-traversed module. Note that this is only available during a transform itself.

It is often necessary to bail out of a codemod mid-operation when you realize that you do not want to operate on a module. This can be for any reason such as realizing the module includes some operation that you do not support. If you wish to skip a module, you can raise the SkipFile exception. For codemods executed using the transform_module() interface, all warnings emitted up to the exception being thrown will be preserved in the result.

class libcst.codemod.SkipFile[source]

Raise this exception to skip codemodding the current file.

The exception message should be the reason for skipping.

Finally, its often easier to test codemods by writing verification tests instead of running repeatedly on your project. LibCST makes this easy with CodemodTest. Often you can develop the majority of your codemod using just tests, augmenting functionality when you run into an unexpected edge case when running it against your repository.

class libcst.codemod.CodemodTest[source]

Base test class for a Codemod test. Provides facilities for auto-instantiating and executing a codemod, given the args/kwargs that should be passed to it. Set the TRANSFORM class attribute to the Codemod class you wish to test and call assertCodemod() inside your test method to verify it transforms various source code chunks correctly.

Note that this is a subclass of UnitTest so any CodemodTest can be executed using your favorite test runner such as the unittest module.

TRANSFORM: Type[Codemod] = Ellipsis
classmethod addClassCleanup(function, /, *args, **kwargs)

Same as addCleanup, except the cleanup items are called even if setUpClass fails (unlike tearDownClass).

assertCodeEqual(expected: str, actual: str) None

Given an expected and actual code string, makes sure they equal. This ensures that both the expected and actual are sanitized, so its safe to use this on strings that may have come from a triple-quoted multi-line string.

assertCodemod(before: str, after: str, *args: object, context_override: CodemodContext | None = None, python_version: str | None = None, expected_warnings: Sequence[str] | None = None, expected_skip: bool = False, **kwargs: object) None

Given a before and after code string, and any args/kwargs that should be passed to the codemod constructor specified in TRANSFORM, validate that the codemod executes as expected. Verify that the codemod completes successfully, unless the expected_skip option is set to True, in which case verify that the codemod skips. Optionally, a CodemodContext can be provided. If none is specified, a default, empty context is created for you. Additionally, the python version for the code parser can be overridden to a valid python version string such as “3.6”. If none is specified, the version of the interpreter running your tests will be used. Also, a list of warning strings can be specified and assertCodemod() will verify that the codemod generates those warnings in the order specified. If it is left out, warnings are not checked.

assertNoLogs(logger=None, level=None)

Fail unless no log messages of level level or higher are emitted on logger_name or its children.

This method must be used as a context manager.

classmethod doClassCleanups()

Execute all class cleanup functions. Normally called for you after tearDownClass.

classmethod enterClassContext(cm)

Same as enterContext, but class-wide.


Enters the supplied context manager.

If successful, also adds its __exit__ method as a cleanup function and returns the result of the __enter__ method.

static make_fixture_data(data: str) str

Given a code string originting from a multi-line triple-quoted string, normalize the code using dedent and ensuring a trailing newline is present.

Execution Interface

As documented in the Codemod Base section above, codemods are meant to be programmatically executed using transform_module(). Executing in this manner handles all of the featureset of codemods, including metadata calculation and exception handling.

libcst.codemod.transform_module(transformer: Codemod, code: str, *, python_version: str | None = None) TransformSuccess | TransformFailure | TransformExit | TransformSkip[source]

Given a module as represented by a string and a Codemod that we wish to run, execute the codemod on the code and return a TransformResult. This should never raise an exception. On success, this returns a TransformSuccess containing any generated warnings as well as the transformed code. If the codemod is interrupted with a Ctrl+C, this returns a TransformExit. If the codemod elected to skip by throwing a SkipFile exception, this will return a TransformSkip containing the reason for skipping as well as any warnings that were generated before the codemod decided to skip. If the codemod throws an unexpected exception, this will return a TransformFailure containing the exception that occured as well as any warnings that were generated before the codemod crashed.


alias of TransformSuccess | TransformFailure | TransformExit | TransformSkip

class libcst.codemod.TransformSuccess[source]

A TransformResult used when the codemod was successful. Stores all the information we might need to display to the user upon success, as well as the transformed file contents.

warning_messages: Sequence[str]

All warning messages that were generated during the codemod.

code: str

The updated code, post-codemod.

class libcst.codemod.TransformFailure[source]

A TransformResult used when the codemod failed. Stores all the information we might need to display to the user upon a failure.

warning_messages: Sequence[str]

All warning messages that were generated before the codemod crashed.

error: Exception

The exception that was raised during the codemod.

traceback_str: str

The traceback string that was recorded at the time of exception.

class libcst.codemod.TransformSkip[source]

A TransformResult used when the codemod requested to be skipped. This could be because it’s a generated file, or due to filename blacklist, or because the transform raised SkipFile.

skip_reason: SkipReason

The reason that we skipped codemodding this module.

skip_description: str

The description populated from the SkipFile exception.

warning_messages: Sequence[str] = ()

All warning messages that were generated before the codemod decided to skip.

class libcst.codemod.SkipReason[source]

An enumeration of all valid reasons for a codemod to skip.

GENERATED = 'generated'

The module was skipped because we detected that it was generated code, and we were configured to skip generated files.

BLACKLISTED = 'blacklisted'

The module was skipped because we detected that it was blacklisted, and we were configured to skip blacklisted files.

OTHER = 'other'

The module was skipped because the codemod requested us to skip using the SkipFile exception.

class libcst.codemod.TransformExit[source]

A TransformResult used when the codemod was interrupted by the user (e.g. KeyboardInterrupt).

warning_messages: Sequence[str] = ()

An empty list of warnings, included so that all TransformResult have a warning_messages attribute.

Command-Line Support

LibCST includes additional support to facilitate faster development of codemods which are to be run at the command-line. This is achieved through the CodemodCommand class and the codemod utility which lives inside libcst.tool. The CodemodCommand class provides a codemod description and an interface to add arguments to the command-line. This is translated to a custom help message and command-line options that a user can provide when running a codemod at the command-line.

For a brief overview of supported universal options, run the codemod utility like so:

python3 -m libcst.tool codemod --help

The utility provides support for gathering up and parallelizing codemods across a series of files or directories, auto-formatting changed code according to a configured formatter, generating a unified diff of changes instead of applying them to files, taking code from stdin and codemodding it before returning to stdout, and printing progress and warnings to stderr during execution of a codemod.

Help is auto-customized if a codemod class is provided, including any added options and the codemod description. For an example, run the codemod utility like so:

python3 -m libcst.tool codemod noop.NOOPCommand --help

A second utility, list, can list all available codemods given your configuration. Run it like so:

python3 -m libcst.tool list

Finally, to set up a directory for codemodding using these tools, including additional directories where codemods can be found, use the initialize utility. To see help for how to use this, run the initialize utility like so:

python3 -m libcst.tool initialize --help

The above tools operate against any codemod which subclasses from CodemodCommand. Remember that CodemodCommand is a subclass of Codemod, so all of the features documented in the Codemod Base section are available in addition to command-line support. Any command-line enabled codemod can also be programmatically instantiated and invoked using the above-documented transform_module() interface.

class libcst.codemod.CodemodCommand[source]

A Codemod which can be invoked on the command-line using the libcst.tool codemod utility. It behaves like any other codemod in that it can be instantiated and run identically to a Codemod. However, it provides support for providing help text and command-line arguments to libcst.tool codemod as well as facilities for automatically running certain common transforms after executing your transform_module_impl().

The following list of transforms are automatically run at this time:

DESCRIPTION: str = 'No description.'

An overrideable description attribute so that codemods can provide a short summary of what they do. This description will show up in command-line help as well as when listing available codemods.

static add_args(arg_parser: ArgumentParser) None[source]

Override this to add arguments to the CLI argument parser. These args will show up when the user invokes libcst.tool codemod with --help. They will also be presented to your class’s __init__ method. So, if you define a command with an argument ‘foo’, you should also have a corresponding ‘foo’ positional or keyword argument in your class’s __init__ method.

abstract transform_module_impl(tree: Module) Module[source]

Override this with your transform. You should take in the tree, optionally mutate it and then return the mutated version. The module reference and all calculated metadata are available for the lifetime of this function.

Additionally, a few convenience classes have been provided which take the boilerplate out of common types of codemods:

class libcst.codemod.VisitorBasedCodemodCommand[source]

A command that acts identically to a visitor-based transform, but also has the support of add_args() and running supported helper transforms after execution. See CodemodCommand and ContextAwareTransformer for additional documentation.

class libcst.codemod.MagicArgsCodemodCommand[source]

A “magic” args command, which auto-magically looks up the transforms that are yielded from get_transforms() and instantiates them using values out of the context. Visitors yielded in get_transforms() must have constructor arguments that match a key in the context scratch. The easiest way to guarantee that is to use add_args() to add a command arg that will be parsed for each of the args. However, if you wish to chain transforms, adding to the scratch in one transform will make the value available to the constructor in subsequent transforms as well as the scratch for subsequent transforms.

abstract get_transforms() Generator[Type[Codemod], None, None][source]

A generator which yields one or more subclasses of Codemod. In the general case, you will usually yield a series of classes, but it is possible to programmatically decide which classes to yield depending on the contents of the context scratch.

Note that you should yield classes, not instances of classes, as the point of MagicArgsCodemodCommand is to instantiate them for you with the contents of scratch.

Command-Line Toolkit

Several helpers for constructing a command-line interface are provided. These are used in the codemod utility to provide LibCST’s de-facto command-line interface but they are also available to be used directly in the case that circumstances demand a custom command-line tool.

libcst.codemod.gather_files(files_or_dirs: Sequence[str], *, include_stubs: bool = False) List[str][source]

Given a list of files or directories (can be intermingled), return a list of all python files that exist at those locations. If include_stubs is True, this will include .py and .pyi stub files. If it is False, only .py files will be included in the returned list.

libcst.codemod.exec_transform_with_prettyprint(transform: Codemod, code: str, *, include_generated: bool = False, generated_code_marker: str = '@generated', format_code: bool = False, formatter_args: Sequence[str] = (), python_version: str | None = None) str | None[source]

Given an instantiated codemod and a string representing a module, transform that code by executing the transform, optionally invoking the formatter and finally printing any generated warnings to stderr. If the code includes the generated marker at any spot and include_generated is not set to True, the code will not be modified. If format_code is set to False or the instantiated codemod does not modify the code, the code will not be formatted. If a python_version is provided, then we will parse the module using this version. Otherwise, we will use the version of the currently executing python binary.

In all cases a module will be returned. Whether it is changed depends on the input parameters as well as the codemod itself.

libcst.codemod.parallel_exec_transform_with_prettyprint(transform: Codemod, files: Sequence[str], *, jobs: int | None = None, unified_diff: int | None = None, include_generated: bool = False, generated_code_marker: str = '@generated', format_code: bool = False, formatter_args: Sequence[str] = (), show_successes: bool = False, hide_generated: bool = False, hide_blacklisted: bool = False, hide_progress: bool = False, blacklist_patterns: Sequence[str] = (), python_version: str | None = None, repo_root: str | None = None) ParallelTransformResult[source]

Given a list of files and an instantiated codemod we should apply to them, fork and apply the codemod in parallel to all of the files, including any configured formatter. The jobs parameter controls the maximum number of in-flight transforms, and needs to be at least 1. If not included, the number of jobs will automatically be set to the number of CPU cores. If unified_diff is set to a number, changes to files will be printed to stdout with unified_diff lines of context. If it is set to None or left out, files themselves will be updated with changes and formatting. If a python_version is provided, then we will parse each source file using this version. Otherwise, we will use the version of the currently executing python binary.

A progress indicator as well as any generated warnings will be printed to stderr. To supress the interactive progress indicator, set hide_progress to True. Files that include the generated code marker will be skipped unless the include_generated parameter is set to True. Similarly, files that match a supplied blacklist of regex patterns will be skipped. Warnings for skipping both blacklisted and generated files will be printed to stderr along with warnings generated by the codemod unless hide_blacklisted and hide_generated are set to True. Files that were successfully codemodded will not be printed to stderr unless show_successes is set to True.

To make this API possible, we take an instantiated transform. This is due to the fact that lambdas are not pickleable and pickling functions is undefined. This means we’re implicitly relying on fork behavior on UNIX-like systems, and this function will not work on Windows systems. To create a command-line utility that runs on Windows, please instead see exec_transform_with_prettyprint().

class libcst.codemod.ParallelTransformResult[source]

The result of running parallel_exec_transform_with_prettyprint() against a series of files. This is a simple summary, with counts for number of successfully codemodded files, number of files that we failed to codemod, number of warnings generated when running the codemod across the files, and the number of files that we skipped when running the codemod.

successes: int

Number of files that we successfully transformed.

failures: int

Number of files that we failed to transform.

warnings: int

Number of warnings generated when running transform across files.

skips: int

Number of files skipped because they were blacklisted, generated or the codemod requested to skip.

libcst.codemod.diff_code(oldcode: str, newcode: str, context: int, *, filename: str | None = None) str[source]

Given two strings representing a module before and after a codemod, produce a unified diff of the changes with context lines of context. Optionally, assign the filename to the change, and if it is not available, assume that the change was performed on stdin/stdout. If no change is detected, return an empty string instead of returning an empty unified diff. This is comparable to revision control software which only shows differences for files that have changed.

Library of Transforms

LibCST additionally includes a library of transforms to reduce the need for boilerplate inside codemods. As of now, the list includes the following helpers.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.GatherImportsVisitor[source]

Gathers all imports in a module and stores them as attributes on the instance. Intended to be instantiated and passed to a Module visit() method in order to gather up information about imports on a module. Note that this is not a substitute for scope analysis or qualified name support. Please see Scope Analysis for a more robust way of determining the qualified name and definition for an arbitrary node.

After visiting a module the following attributes will be populated:


A sequence of strings representing modules that were imported directly, such as in the case of import typing. Each module directly imported but not aliased will be included here.


A mapping of strings to sequences of strings representing modules where we imported objects from, such as in the case of from typing import Optional. Each from import that was not aliased will be included here, where the keys of the mapping are the module we are importing from, and the value is a sequence of objects we are importing from the module.


A mapping of strings representing modules that were imported and aliased, such as in the case of import typing as t. Each module imported this way will be represented as a key in this mapping, and the value will be the local alias of the module.


A mapping of strings to sequences of tuples representing modules where we imported objects from and aliased using as syntax, such as in the case of from typing import Optional as opt. Each from import that was aliased will be included here, where the keys of the mapping are the module we are importing from, and the value is a tuple representing the original object name and the alias.


A collection of all Import and ImportFrom statements that were encountered in the module.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.GatherExportsVisitor[source]

Gathers all explicit exports in a module and stores them as attributes on the instance. Intended to be instantiated and passed to a Module visit() method in order to gather up information about exports specified in an __all__ variable inside a module.

After visiting a module the following attributes will be populated:


A sequence of strings representing objects that the module exports directly. Note that when __all__ is absent, this attribute does not store default exported objects by name.

For more information on __all__, please see Python’s Modules Documentation.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.AddImportsVisitor[source]

Ensures that given imports exist in a module. Given a CodemodContext and a sequence of tuples specifying a module to import from as a string. Optionally an object to import from that module and any alias to assign that import, ensures that import exists. It will modify existing imports as necessary if the module in question is already being imported from.

This is one of the transforms that is available automatically to you when running a codemod. To use it in this manner, import AddImportsVisitor and then call the static add_needed_import() method, giving it the current context (found as self.context for all subclasses of Codemod), the module you wish to import from and optionally an object you wish to import from that module and any alias you would like to assign that import to.

For example:

AddImportsVisitor.add_needed_import(self.context, "typing", "Optional")

This will produce the following code in a module, assuming there was no typing import already:

from typing import Optional

As another example:

AddImportsVisitor.add_needed_import(self.context, "typing")

This will produce the following code in a module, assuming there was no import already:

import typing

Note that this is a subclass of CSTTransformer so it is possible to instantiate it and pass it to a Module visit() method. However, it is far easier to use the automatic transform feature of CodemodCommand and schedule an import to be added by calling add_needed_import()

static add_needed_import(context: CodemodContext, module: str, obj: str | None = None, asname: str | None = None, relative: int = 0) None[source]

Schedule an import to be added in a future invocation of this class by updating the context to include the module and optionally obj to be imported as well as optionally alias to alias the imported module or obj to. When subclassing from CodemodCommand, this will be performed for you after your transform finishes executing. If you are subclassing from a Codemod instead, you will need to call the transform_module() method on the module under modification with an instance of this class after performing your transform. Note that if the particular module or obj you are requesting to import already exists as an import on the current module at the time of executing transform_module() on an instance of AddImportsVisitor, this will perform no action in order to avoid adding duplicate imports.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.RemoveImportsVisitor[source]

Attempt to remove given imports from a module, dependent on whether there are any uses of the imported objects. Given a CodemodContext and a sequence of tuples specifying a module to remove as a string. Optionally an object being imported from that module and optionally an alias assigned to that imported object, ensures that that import no longer exists as long as there are no remaining references.

Note that static analysis is able to determine safely whether an import is still needed given a particular module, but it is currently unable to determine whether an imported object is re-exported and used inside another module unless that object appears in an __any__ list.

This is one of the transforms that is available automatically to you when running a codemod. To use it in this manner, import RemoveImportsVisitor and then call the static remove_unused_import() method, giving it the current context (found as self.context for all subclasses of Codemod), the module you wish to remove and optionally an object you wish to stop importing as well as an alias that the object is currently assigned to.

For example:

RemoveImportsVisitor.remove_unused_import(self.context, "typing", "Optional")

This will remove any from typing import Optional that exists in the module as long as there are no uses of Optional in that module.

As another example:

RemoveImportsVisitor.remove_unused_import(self.context, "typing")

This will remove any import typing that exists in the module, as long as there are no references to typing in that module, including references such as typing.Optional.

Additionally, RemoveImportsVisitor includes a convenience function remove_unused_import_by_node() which will attempt to schedule removal of all imports referenced in that node and its children. This is especially useful inside transforms when you are going to remove a node using RemoveFromParent() to get rid of a node.

For example:

def leave_AnnAssign(
    self, original_node: cst.AnnAssign, updated_node: cst.AnnAssign,
) -> cst.RemovalSentinel:
    # Remove all annotated assignment statements, clean up imports.
    RemoveImportsVisitor.remove_unused_import_by_node(self.context, original_node)
    return cst.RemovalFromParent()

This will remove all annotated assignment statements from a module as well as clean up any imports that were only referenced in those assignments. Note that we pass the original_node to the helper function as it uses scope analysis under the hood which is only computed on the original tree.

Note that this is a subclass of CSTTransformer so it is possible to instantiate it and pass it to a Module visit() method. However, it is far easier to use the automatic transform feature of CodemodCommand and schedule an import to be added by calling remove_unused_import()

METADATA_DEPENDENCIES: Tuple[Type[BaseMetadataProvider[object]]] = (<class 'libcst.metadata.name_provider.QualifiedNameProvider'>, <class 'libcst.metadata.scope_provider.ScopeProvider'>)

The set of metadata dependencies declared by this class.

static remove_unused_import(context: CodemodContext, module: str, obj: str | None = None, asname: str | None = None) None[source]

Schedule an import to be removed in a future invocation of this class by updating the context to include the module and optionally obj which is currently imported as well as optionally alias that the imported module or obj is aliased to. When subclassing from CodemodCommand, this will be performed for you after your transform finishes executing. If you are subclassing from a Codemod instead, you will need to call the transform_module() method on the module under modification with an instance of this class after performing your transform. Note that if the particular module or obj you are requesting to remove is still in use somewhere in the current module at the time of executing transform_module() on an instance of AddImportsVisitor, this will perform no action in order to avoid removing an in-use import.

static remove_unused_import_by_node(context: CodemodContext, node: CSTNode) None[source]

Schedule any imports referenced by node or one of its children to be removed in a future invocation of this class by updating the context to include the module, obj and alias for each import in question. When subclassing from CodemodCommand, this will be performed for you after your transform finishes executing. If you are subclassing from a Codemod instead, you will need to call the transform_module() method on the module under modification with an instance of this class after performing your transform. Note that all imports that are referenced by this node or its children will only be removed if they are not in use at the time of exeucting transform_module() on an instance of AddImportsVisitor in order to avoid removing an in-use import.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor[source]

Apply type annotations to a source module using the given stub mdules. You can also pass in explicit annotations for functions and attributes and pass in new class definitions that need to be added to the source module.

This is one of the transforms that is available automatically to you when running a codemod. To use it in this manner, import ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor and then call the static store_stub_in_context() method, giving it the current context (found as self.context for all subclasses of Codemod), the stub module from which you wish to add annotations.

For example, you can store the type annotation int for x using:

stub_module = parse_module("x: int = ...")

ApplyTypeAnnotationsVisitor.store_stub_in_context(self.context, stub_module)

You can apply the type annotation using:

source_module = parse_module("x = 1")

This will produce the following code:

x: int = 1

If the function or attribute already has a type annotation, it will not be overwritten.

To overwrite existing annotations when applying annotations from a stub, use the keyword argument overwrite_existing_annotations=True when constructing the codemod or when calling store_stub_in_context.

static store_stub_in_context(context: CodemodContext, stub: Module, overwrite_existing_annotations: bool = False, use_future_annotations: bool = False, strict_posargs_matching: bool = True, strict_annotation_matching: bool = False, always_qualify_annotations: bool = False) None[source]

Store a stub module in the CodemodContext so that type annotations from the stub can be applied in a later invocation of this class.

If the overwrite_existing_annotations flag is True, the codemod will overwrite any existing annotations.

If you call this function multiple times, only the last values of stub and overwrite_existing_annotations will take effect.

transform_module_impl(tree: Module) Module[source]

Collect type annotations from all stubs and apply them to tree.

Gather existing imports from tree so that we don’t add duplicate imports.

Gather global names from tree so forward references are quoted.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.GatherUnusedImportsVisitor[source]

Collects all imports from a module not directly used in the same module. Intended to be instantiated and passed to a libcst.Module visit() method to process the full module.

Note that imports that are only used indirectly (from other modules) are still collected.

After visiting a module the attribute unused_imports will contain a set of unused ImportAlias objects, paired with their parent import node.

METADATA_DEPENDENCIES: Tuple[Type[BaseMetadataProvider[object]]] = (<class 'libcst.metadata.name_provider.QualifiedNameProvider'>, <class 'libcst.metadata.scope_provider.ScopeProvider'>)

The set of metadata dependencies declared by this class.

unused_imports: Set[Tuple[cst.ImportAlias, cst.Import | cst.ImportFrom]]

Contains a set of (alias, parent_import) pairs that are not used in the module after visiting.

filter_unused_imports(candidates: Iterable[Tuple[ImportAlias, Import | ImportFrom]]) Set[Tuple[ImportAlias, Import | ImportFrom]][source]

Return the imports in candidates which are not used.

This function implements the main logic of this visitor, and is called after traversal. It calls is_in_use() on each import.

Override this in a subclass for additional filtering.

is_in_use(scope: Scope, alias: ImportAlias) bool[source]

Check if alias is in use in the given scope.

An alias is in use if it’s directly referenced, exported, or appears in a string type annotation. Override this in a subclass for additional filtering.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.GatherCommentsVisitor[source]

Collects all comments matching a certain regex and their line numbers. This visitor is useful for capturing special-purpose comments, for example noqa style lint suppression annotations.

Standalone comments are assumed to affect the line following them, and inline ones are recorded with the line they are on.

After visiting a CST, matching comments are collected in the comments attribute.

METADATA_DEPENDENCIES: ClassVar[Collection['ProviderT']] = (<class 'libcst.metadata.position_provider.PositionProvider'>,)

The set of metadata dependencies declared by this class.

comments: Dict[int, cst.Comment]

Dictionary of comments found in the CST. Keys are line numbers, values are comment nodes.

class libcst.codemod.visitors.GatherNamesFromStringAnnotationsVisitor[source]

Collects all names from string literals used for typing purposes. This includes annotations like foo: "SomeType", and parameters to special functions related to typing (currently only typing.TypeVar).

After visiting, a set of all found names will be available on the names attribute of this visitor.

METADATA_DEPENDENCIES: ClassVar[Collection['ProviderT']] = (<class 'libcst.metadata.name_provider.QualifiedNameProvider'>,)

The set of metadata dependencies declared by this class.

names: Set[str]

The set of names collected from string literals.